IndoPacific Warm Pool
On field expeditions to Vietnam, we recovered long cores extending back more than 450 years. These corals show strong correlations of Sr/Ca to SST and δ18O to precipitation over the instrumental period (Bolton et al., 2014), and a Sr/Ca record shows centennial-scale SST variability with pronounced warming during the 20th century. Radiocarbon in this core reflects variability in the East Asian Winter Monsoon, and shows decreasing variability since the end of the LIA (Goodkin et al., in review). A successful cruise to Micronesia resulted in numerous drill cores up to 5m long, which we are using to investigate century-scale variability in ENSO and the West Pacific Warm Pool.

Coring a massive Porites lobata colony in Woleai Atoll, Micronesia
Relevant Publications
- Goodkin N.F., Bolton, A., Karnauskas, K.B., Hughen, K.A., Griffin, S., Phan, K.H., Vo, S.T., Druffel, E.R.M., Decline of East Asian Winter Monsoon Variability since the 18th Century, Nature Geoscience (in review).
- Ramos, R.D., Goodkin, N.F., Siringan, F.P., Hughen, K., Diploastrea heliopora Sr/Ca and δ18O records from northeast Luzon, Philippines: an assessment of interspecies coral proxy calibrations and climate controls of sea surface temperature and salinity, Paleoceanography (in press).
- Bolton, A., Goodkin, N., Hughen, K., Ostermann, D., Vo, S., Phan, H., 2014, Paired Porites coral Sr/Ca and δ
18 O from the western South China Sea: Proxy Calibration of Sea Surface Temperature and Precipitation, Paleo3 410, 233-243.