Mediterranean Outflow eddies
Studies of the formation, number, movement, and demise of Meddies and their role in dispersing the Mediterranean Outflow Water into the North Atlantic.
Richardson, Philip L., Amy S. Bower and Walter Zenk, 2000. A census of meddies tracked by floats. Progress in Oceanography, 45(2), 209–250.
Richardson, Philip L., and Aude Tychensky, 1998. Meddy trajectories in the Canary Basin measured during the Semaphore experiment, 1993–1995. Journal of Geophysical Research, 103(C11), 25,029–25,045.
Spall, Michael A., Philip L. Richardson, and James Price, 1993. Advection and eddy mixing in the Mediterranean Salt Tongue. Journal of Marine Research, 51(4), 797–818.
Richardson, P. L., M. S. McCartney, and C. Maillard, 1991. A search for meddies in historical data. Dynamics of Atmospheres and Oceans, 15, 241–265.
Richardson, P. L., D. Walsh, L. Armi, M. Schröder, and J. F. Price, 1989. Tracking three Meddies with SOFAR floats. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 19(3), 371–383.
Armi, Laurence, Dave Hebert, Neil Oakey, James F. Price, Philip L. Richardson, H. Thomas Rossby, and Barry Ruddick, 1989. Two years in the life of a Mediterranean salt lens. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 19(3), 354–370.
Armi, Laurence, Dave Hebert, Neil Oakey, James Price, Philip L. Richardson, Thomas Rossby, and Barry Ruddick, 1988. The history and decay of a Mediterranean salt lens. Nature, 333(6174), 649–651.
Richardson, Philip L., and Kenneth Mooney, 1975. The Mediterranean outflow – a simple advection-diffusion model. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 5(3), 476–482.
Mediterranean salt tongue and the locations and tracks of several Meddies (Mediterranean Water eddies) (1998).
Trajectories of Meddies tracked by floats (2000).
Meddy census February 1994 (2000).