Equatorial Current studies
A study of the variability of equatorial currents in the Atlantic and the across-equatorial flow associated with meridional transport.
Ollitrault, M., M. Lankhorst, D. Fratantoni, P. Richardson, and W. Zenk, 2006. Zonal intermediate currents in the equatorial Atlantic Ocean. Geophysical Research Letters, 33, L05605, doi:10.1029/2005GL025368.
Richardson, Philip L., and David M. Fratantoni, 1999. Float trajectories in the Deep Western Boundary Current and deep equatorial jets of the tropical Atlantic. Deep-Sea Research II, 46, 305–333.
Fratantoni, David M., and Philip L. Richardson, 1999. SOFAR Float observations of an intermediate-depth eastern boundary current and mesoscale variability in the eastern tropical Atlantic Ocean. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 29, 1265–1278.
Richardson, Philip L., and William J. Schmitz, Jr., 1993. Deep cross-equatorial flow in the Atlantic measured with SOFAR floats. Journal of Geophysical Research, 98(C5), 8371–8387.
Richardson, P. L., S. Arnault, S. Garzoli, and J. G. Bruce, 1992. Annual cycle of the Atlantic North Equatorial Countercurrent. Deep-Sea Research, 39(6), 997–1014.
Ponte, Rui M., James Luyten, and Philip L. Richardson, 1990. Equatorial deep jets in the Atlantic Ocean. Deep-Sea Research, 37(4), 711–713.
Garzoli, Silvia, and Philip L. Richardson, 1989. Low-frequency meandering of the Atlantic North Equatorial Countercurrent. Journal of Geophysical Research, 94(C2), 2079–2090.
Richardson, P. L., and S. G. H. Philander, 1987. The seasonal variations of surface currents in the tropical Atlantic Ocean: a comparison of ship drift data with results from a general circulation model. Journal of Geophysical Research, 92(C1), 715–724.
Richardson, P. L., and G. Reverdin, 1987. Seasonal cycle of velocity in the Atlantic North Equatorial Countercurrent as measured by surface drifters, current meters, and ship drifts. Journal of Geophysical Research, 92(C4), 3691–3708.
Richardson, Philip L., and David Walsh, 1986. Mapping climatological seasonal variations of surface currents in the tropical Atlantic using ship drifts. Journal of Geophysical Research, 91(C9), 10,537–10,550.
Richardson, P. L., and T. K. McKee, 1984. Average seasonal variation of the Atlantic equatorial currents from historical ship drifts. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 14(7), 1226–1238.
Schematic trajectories of 1800 m floats launched in the DWBC (1999).
Average eastward velocity of 1800 m floats in one degree latitude bins near the equator (east of 40W) (1999).
CFC plume, originating in the North Atlantic, carried southward in the DWBC and then eastward centered south of the equator in this image (1999).