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Reports & Products


International Group for Marine Ecological Time-Series (IGMETS) Report: What are Marine Ecological Time Series telling us about the ocean? A status report. 
O’Brien, T. D., Lorenzoni, L. Isensee, K., Valdes, L. (2017). What are Marine Ecological
Time Series telling us about the ocean? A status report. IOC-UNESCO, IOC Technical Series, No.129: 297 pp.

Report of Global intercomparability in a changing ocean: An international time-series methods workshop
Lorenzoni, L., Benway, H. M. (Editors), 2013. Report of Global intercomparability in a changing ocean: An international time-series methods workshop, November 28-30, 2012, Ocean Carbon and Biogeochemistry (OCB) Program and International Ocean Carbon Coordination Project (IOCCP), 61 pp.

Improving Intercomparability of Marine Biogeochemical Time Series
Benway, H. M., M. Telszewski, and L. Lorenzoni (2013), Eos Trans. AGU 94(17), 160.

Sea change: Charting the course for biogeochemical ocean time-series research in a new millennium
Church, M. J., M. W. Lomas, F. Muller-Karger (2013). Sea change: Charting the course for biogeochemical ocean time-series research in a new millenniumDeep-Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography 93, 2-15 (Report from OCB Scoping Workshop on biogeochemical ocean time-series).

Changing Times: An International Ocean Biogeochemical Time-Series Workshop
IOC (2008). Changing Times: An International Ocean Biogeochemical Time-Series Workshop (La Jolla, California, 5-7 November 2008), IOC Workshop Report No 217, UNESCO.

ICES Zooplankton Status Report 2008/2009

ICES status report on climate change in the North Atlantic

ICES Report on Ocean Climate 2011

ICES Phytoplankton and Microbial Plankton Status Report 2009/2010


Hawaii Ocean Time-Series (HOT)

Bermuda Atlantic Time-Series Study (BATS)

CArbon Retention In A Colored Ocean (CARIACO)

Methods Manuals

JGOFS Core Protocols (Knap et al., 1996)

Guide to best practices for ocean CO2 measurements (Dickson et al., 2007)

GO-SHIP Repeat Hydrography Manual

A Suggested Protocol for Continuous Flow Automated Analysis of Sea Water Nutrients (Phosphate, Nitrate, Nitrite, and Silicic Acid) in the WOCE Hydrographic Program and the Joint Global Ocean Fluxes Study (Gordon et al., 1993) 

Chemical Reference Materials: Setting the Standards for Ocean Science

HOT Biogeochemical Methods Manual

CARIACO Methods Manual

BATS Methods Manual

CalCOFI methods

CCE-LTER methods

GEOTRACES Cruise and Methods Manual

Data Analysis Tools

IGMETS Time-Series Explorer
An online plankton time-series analysis and visualization toolkit

R package for analyzing time-series data
For R users, this has a suite of functions to visualize and analyze time-series for trends, shifts, etc. For example, it includes the Seasonal Kendall test, which is appropriate for determining trends and their significance in monthly time-series that have serial correlation.