Janet Fredericks
Oceanographer Emeritus
Contact: jfredericks@whoi.edu
Research Interests: Data analysis and display; computer programming and systems administration; digital signal processing; image processing; current meters and measurement; data acquisition systems; real-time data display; ocean observatories.
Rocky Geyer
Emeritus Research Scholar
Research Interests: Estuary flow and mixing, wind-driven flow, tidal effects.
Contact: rgeyer@whoi.edu
Jim Irish
Oceanographer Emeritus
Research Interests: Developing and deploying new instrument systems using new sensors, telemetry, and microprocessors to conditionally sample the ocean, then using this data to improve our understanding of tides, internal and surface waves, water mass formation, sediment dynamics, and bottom boundary layer processes.
Contact: jirish@whoi.edu
Eugene Terray
Oceanographer Emeritus
Contact: eterray@whoi.edu
Research Interests: Upper ocean dynamics; air-sea interaction; surface waves; boundary layer mechanics; acoustic remote sensing; signal processing.
John Trowbridge
Scientist Emeritus
Research Interests: Boundary layers, sediment transport and shelf and nearshore processes.
Contact: jtrowbridge@whoi.edu
Albert Williams
Scientist Emeritus
Research Interests: Ocean mixing processes; boundary layer measurements and modeling; sediment/fluid interaction; oceanographic instrumentation.
Contact: awilliams@whoi.edu