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Ecological Chemistry of Ocean Health


Our research probes the interactions between marine organisms and their geochemical environment by integrating geological, chemical, and biological perspectives. In doing so, our research encompasses several domains of life spanning bacteria to corals, explores elements both essential (e.g., oxygen) and detrimental (e.g., chromium) to life, and spans diverse geochemical niches (from coral reefs and the deep-sea on Earth to rock varnish on Mars).

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Organismal Health

Chemical controls on and signatures of marine life health

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Chemistry of Ecosystem Function

Biogeochemical processes in ecosystem health


Sensor Development

Novel sensors for measuring key chemicals for ocean health and function

Select Recent Publications

Hansel, C.M., J.M. Diaz. 2021. Reactive oxygen species production by marine biota. Annual Review of Marine Science 13, 177-200.

Sutherland, K., S.D. Wankel, C.M. Hansel. 2020. Dark biological superoxide production as a significant flux and sink of marine dissolved oxygen. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA 117, 3433-3439

Oldham, V.E., C. Lamborg, C.M. Hansel. 2020 The spatial and temporal variability of Mn speciation in the coastal Northwest Atlantic Ocean. JGR Ocean Science 125, e2019JC015167

Grabb, K.C., J. Kapit, S.D. Wankel, K. Manganini, A. Apprill, M. Armenteros, and C.M. Hansel. 2019. Development of a handheld submersible chemiluminescent sensor: Quantification of superoxide at coral surfaces. Environmental Science & Technology 53, 13850-13858

Estes, E.R., R. Pockalny, S. D’Hondt, F. Inagaki, Y. Morono, R.W. Murray, D. Nordlund, A.J. Spivack, S.D. Wankel, N. Xiao, and C.M. Hansel. 2019. Persistent organic matter in oxic subseafloor sediment. Nature Geoscience 12, 126-131