Research Update: Multivitamins for Coral Reefs
The Hansel Lab is currently running aquaria experiments to investigate the potential role of trace metals to support coral health as a potential restoration strategy for coral reefs that are rapidly impacted by climate change. Preliminary data shows these trace metals improve the health of lab-tested corals, improving their resilience to heat stress. Research Assistant Natalie Danek is now leading a series of high throughput aquaria experiments using Orbicella faveolata and a variety of other tropical coral species. She manufactures calcium carbonate tiles with different micronutrient additions for experimental incubations with the corals. She then uses a range of research techniques to investigate the health of the corals in these experiments to assess which conditions yield the greatest benefits for corals’ growth and resilience to heat stress. For example, she measures the corals’ photosynthetic physiology with Pulse Amplitude Modulation (PAM) Fluormetry and the elemental composition with Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS). This promising research has been featured in BBC and Oceanographic Magazine. We are collaborating with researchers at the University of the Virgin Islands to deploy these tiles onto reefs in the US Virgin Islands.
Previous post-doc Austin Greene supported the setup of the aquaria and the start of these experiments.
In summer 2024, Natalie mentored a wonderful team of interns including Ethan Amaral, a student at Bristol Community College, and Olivia Caiazzo, a summer high school intern. Ethan did trace metal analysis of coral tissue samples from the aquaria experiments to determine which of the nutrients were being absorbed by the coral tissues and in what quantity. Olivia contributed to coral care and aquaria maintenance. We are excited for what their future holds and hope they stay in touch!
Thank you to the Davies lab for providing Orbicella faveolata coral colonies and to the Apprill lab for the additional support!