Other MARINER seaweed farming projects

Project partners at Kodiak Kelp Company at harvest time
The Lindell Lab collaborates on two demonstration projects funded by the US Department of Energy's Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA-E) under its Macroalgae Research Inspiring Novel Energy Resources (MARINER) Program to develop technology for large-scale open ocean seaweed farming to generate feedstocks for bio-fuel production from kelp (New England and Alaska) and from tropical seaweeds (Puerto Rico). The goal is to create highly efficient farm systems using novel designs that integrate mechanized seed planting & harvesting technologies. We work closely with other funded MARINER projects that are advancing our collective understanding of hydrodynamic and nutrient modeling, and means of remotely monitoring and managing such systems to the betterment of the environment. See relate links (to the right) to learn more.

Tropical seaweed farmers in Belize (courtesy of the our partners at The Nature Conservancy)
Funding Agencies
U.S. Department of Energy’s Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy (ARPA-E).
Loretta Roberson (Marine Biological Laboratory)
Michael Stekoll (University of Alaska)
Hauke Kite-Powell (WHOI)
Cliff Goudey (C.A. Goudey and Associates)
Charles Yarish (University of Connecticut)
Beau Perry (Blue Evolution)
Alf Pryor (Kodiak Kelp Company)
Julie Decker (Alaska Fisheries Development Foundation)
Bren Smith & Kendall Barbery (GreenWave)