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The Pilot


The pilot of the time-series synthesis product includes data from 12 Eulerian ship-based time-series stations including a total of 108’331 water samples. The stations are representative of unique marine environments within the Atlantic, Pacific, Mediterranean Sea, Nordic Seas, and the Caribbean Sea. The time-series temporal resolutions (monthly, seasonal, or irregular), time ranges (10 – 36 years) and bottom depths (80 – 6000m) differ, with the oldest samples dating back to 1983. The focus of the pilot has been set on biogeochemical essential ocean variables: Oxygen, nutrients, inorganic carbon, particulate matter, and dissolved organic carbon. Besides being harmonized, the data has been subject to a qualitative assessment in which the applied methods have been evaluated against Best-Practices and categorized. Additional data-quality descriptors include precision and accuracy estimates, indicators for data variability, and offsets to GLODAP.

The pilot provides Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable (FAIR) BGC time-series data, enhancing the readiness of the 12 biogeochemical time-series stations. With the pilot, we made the first steps towards:

  • Positioning BGC time series for expansion/attention via UN Decade of Ocean Science
  • Including BGC time series into OceanOPS
  • Enabling easier data ingestion for high impact end-user directed services (e.g., Global Carbon Budget)
  • Increasing usage and more streamlined data integration into BGC-ocean models
  • Being a recognized reference for autonomous and other observing networks, e.g. BGC-Argo

Fair data statement

While the time-series dataset product pilot is made available without any restrictions, users of the data should adhere to fair data use principles: For investigations that rely on data from a particular time-series station, principal investigators should be contacted to explore opportunities for collaboration and co-authorship. The original dataset DOI and any articles where the data are described, should be cited. Contacting principal investigators comes with the additional benefit of expert insight into the specific site under investigation. This paper should be cited in any scientific publications that result from the usage of the pilot product.

Data product files

Data Product (coming soon!)

Read Me file


BCODMO product (coming soon)


Download the Variable Table (Suppl. 8) or view below

Improved Usability of Time-Series Data

The key achievements of this pilot project are the highly granular documentation of methods of all participating sites, and the related “Best-Practice” assessment. These enable proper usage and interpretation of time-series within the context of easy recognition of method changes. More precisely, these granular metadata can be used to analyze correlations between detected tipping points and method changes. The figure below illustrates the assigned Best-Practice flags and changes for the EOV nitrate for each time-series. These timelines demonstrate the power of metadata and why it is important to collect metadata at a granular level.


Variable Table (Suppl. 8)

DescriptionTS ProductNERC BODC P01-IdentifierNERC BODC P01-NameJiang et al. (2022)
Time-Series Station unique identifierTimeSeriesSiteN/AN/AN/A
Cruise IdentifierCRUISEN/AN/ACruise_ID
Date in yyyymmddDATEADATAA01Date (UT as yyyymmdd)N/A
Time in hhmm (utc)TIME_UTCN/AN/ATime_UTC
Station NumberSTNNBRN/AN/AStation_ID
Cast numberCASTNON/AN/ACast_number
Bottle numberBTLNBRROSPOSIDRosPosNiskin_ID
LatitudeLATITUDEALATZZ01Latitude northLatitude
Latitude: UnitdegN
LongitudeLONGITUDEALONZZ01Longitude eastLongitude
Longitude: UnitdegE
Depth of sample in dbarCTDPRSPRESPR01Pres_ZCTDPRES
Depth: UnitdbarN/A
Potential density (referred to 0 dbar)SIGMA0POTDENS0PotDens_surface
Potential density: Unitkg/m3kg/m3
Temperature of sampleCTDTMPTEMPP901WC_temp90CTDTEMP_ITS90
Temperature: UnitdegC (ITS-90)N/A
Sensor salinityCTDSALPSALCC01P_sal_CTD_calibCTDSAL_PSS78
Sensor salinity: UnitPSS-78
Sensor salinity: WOCE Bottle Quality FlagCTDSAL_FLAG_W
Sensor oxygenCTDOXYDOXYSC01WC_dissO2_calibCTDOXY
Sensor oxygen: Unitumol/kg
Sensor oxygen: WOCE Bottle Quality FlagCTDOXY_FLAG_W
Bottle salinitySALNTYPSALZZXXP_salSalinity_PSS78
Bottle salinity: UnitPSS-78
Bottle salinity: WOCE Bottle Quality FlagSALNTY_FLAG_WSalinity_flag
Bottle salinity: Method FlagSALNTY_SOPf
Bottle salinity: PrecisionSALNTY_P
Bottle salinity: AccuracySALNTY_A
Bottle oxygenOXYGENDOXYZZXXWC_dissO2Oxygen
Bottle oxygen: Unitumol/kg
Bottle oxygen: WOCE Bottle Quality FlagOXYGEN_FLAG_WOxygen_flag
Bottle oxygen: Method FlagOXYGEN_SOPf
Bottle oxygen: PrecisionOXYGEN_P
Bottle oxygen: AccuracyOXYGEN_A
Dissolved inorganic carbonTCARBNTCO2MSXXTCO2/kgDIC
Dissolved inorganic carbon: Unitumol/kg
Dissolved inorganic carbon: WOCE Bottle Quality FlagTCARBN_FLAG_WDIC_flag
Dissolved inorganic carbon: Method FlagTCARBN_SOPf
Dissolved inorganic carbon: PrecisionTCARBN_P
Dissolved inorganic carbon: AccuracyTCARBN_A
Alkalinity: Unitumol/kg
Alkalinity: WOCE Bottle Quality FlagALKALI_FLAG_WTA_flag
Alkalinity: Method FlagALKALI_SOPf
Alkalinity: PrecisionALKALI_P
Alkalinity: AccuracyALKALI_A
pH: Unittotal_scale at 25°C and 0 dbar
pH: WOCE Bottle Quality FlagPH_TOT_FLAG_WpH_flag
pH: TemperaturePH_TMPTEMP_pH
pH: Method FlagPH_TOT_SOPf
pH: PrecisionPH_TOT_P
pH: AccuracyPH_TOT_A
Partial pressure of CO2pCO2PCO2XXXXpCO2N/A
Partial pressure of CO2: Unituatm
Partial pressure of CO2: WOCE Bottle Quality FlagpCO2_FLAG_WN/A
Partial pressure of CO2: TemperaturepCO2TMP
Partial pressure of CO2: Method FlagpCO2_SOPf
Partial pressure of CO2: PrecisionpCO2_P
Partial pressure of CO2: AccuracypCO2_A
Nitrate (or nitrate + nitrite)NITRATMDMAP005NO3/kgNitrate
Nitrate: Unitumol/kg
Nitrate: WOCE Bottle Quality FlagNITRAT_FLAG_WNitrate_flag
Nitrate: Method FlagNITRAT_SOPf
Nitrate: PrecisionNITRAT_P
Nitrate: AccuracyNITRAT_A
Nitrite: Unitumol/kg
Nitrite: WOCE Bottle Quality FlagNITRIT_FLAG_WNitrite_flag
Nitrite: Method FlagNITRIT_SOPf
Nitrite: PrecisionNITRIT_P
Nitrite: AccuracyNITRIT_A
Phosphate: Unitumol/kg
Phosphate: WOCE Bottle Quality FlagPHSPHT_FLAG_WPhsophate_flag
Phosphate: Method FlagPHSPHT_SOPf
Phosphate: PrecisionPHSPHT_P
Phosphate: AccuracyPHSPHT_A
Silicate: Unitumol/kg
Silicate: WOCE Bottle Quality FlagSILCAT_FLAG_WSilicate_flag
Silicate: Method FlagSILCAT_SOPf
Silicate: PrecisionSILCAT_P
Silicate: AccuracySILCAT_A
Ammonium: Unitumol/kg
Ammonium: WOCE Bottle Quality FlagNH4_FLAG_WAmmonium_flag
Ammonium: Method FlagNH4_SOPf
Ammonium: PrecisionNH4_P
Ammonium: AccuracyNH4_A
Particulate (organic or total) carbonTPCMDMAP011PTCN/A
Particulate carbon: Unitumol/kg
Particulate carbon: WOCE Bottle Quality FlagTPC_FLAG_WN/A
Particulate carbon: Method FlagTPC_SOPf
Particulate carbon: PrecisionTPC_P
Particulate carbon: AccuracyTPC_A
Particulate (organic or total) phosphorusTPPTPHSMSPTPTPN/A
Particulate phosphorus: Unitumol/kg
Particulate phosphorus: WOCE Bottle Quality FlagTPP_FLAG_WN/A
Particulate phosphorus: Method FlagTPP_SOPf
Particulate phosphorus: PrecisionTPP_P
Particulate phosphorus: AccuracyTPP_A
Particulate (organic or total) nitrogenTPNMDMAP013PONN/A
Particulate nitrogen: Unitumol/kg
Particulate nitrogen: WOCE Bottle Quality FlagTPN_FLAG_WN/A
Particulate nitrogen: Method FlagTPN_SOPf
Particulate nitrogen: PrecisionTPN_P
Particulate nitrogen: AccuracyTPN_A
Dissolved organic carbonDOCCORGZZKGDOC/kgDOC
Dissolved organic carbon: Unitumol/kg
Dissolved organic carbon: WOCE Bottle Quality FlagDOC_FLAG_WDOC_flag
Dissolved organic carbon: Method FlagDOC_SOPf
Dissolved organic carbon: PrecisionDOC_P
Dissolved organic carbon: AccuracyDOC_A