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Our laboratory applies a combination of trace metal analytical measurements, microbiological approaches, and biochemical protein methods to our research. For metal analyses, we use a specialized dust-free cleanroom environment for sample preparation and analyses, voltammetric instrumentation for speciation measurements, and inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometers (ICP-MS) for total analyses. For the protein analyses, we operate nanospray liquid chromatography mass spectrometers for global and targeted quantitative proteomic analyses. We also operate bioinformatic computers with Linux and SEQUEST workstations and use the institutional High Performance Cluster system. Having daily access to instrumentation allows the significant analytical method development that is critical to the adaptation of proteomic and metal technology for marine research.

As a research meta- and metallo- proteomics group developing new methods and conducting large scale studies, we also often collaborate with other research groups on proteomic studies particularly on culture experiments. Please contact us for interest in collaborations. For a graphic representation of proteomic analysis see this Oceanus graphic.

Saito Laboratory Instrumentation

  • Trace metal biogeochemistry clean laboratory
  • Metrohm voltammetry systems for metal speciation and totals
  • Phytoplankton and bacteria culture facilities
  • Protein extraction equipment
  • Thermo Q-Exactive Mass Spectrometer
  • Thermo Fusion Tribrid Mass Spectrometer
  • Thermo Astral Orbitrap Mass Spectrometer
  • Thermo ICap-Q Inductively Coupled Mass Spectrometer
  • Multi-Dimensional and Nanoflow Liquid Chromatography Systems
  • Access to Element 2 and Nepture Multi-Collector ICP Mass Spectrometers
  • Access to HPC cluster
  • Extensive field sampling equipment for trace metal and protein sampling
  • Collaborator on the AUV Clio biogeochemical sampling robot
QExactive mass spectrometer with nanoflow system.
Thermo Fusion mass spectrometer with 2D nano-flow system.