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News (Prior to 2018)

Press Releases

esp illustrationMay 7, 2013

New Robotic Instruments to Provide Real-Time Data on Gulf of Maine Red Tide

Deployment could lead transformation of toxic HAB monitoring. Source: Media Relations

WHCOHH In The News

Remote-Sensing Applications for Environmental Health Research

Environmental Health Perspectives, October 1, 2014


Ketchum Award Lecture

Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, April 2017: This lecture was given when Don Anderson was presented with the Bostwick H. Ketchum Award. Over the last four decades, Anderson has been heavily involved in national and international program development for research, monitoring, and management of red tides, marine biotoxins, and HABs.  He has testified nine times before Congressional committees, and has been actively involved in legislation and appropriations related to HABs and hypoxia.

"The U.S. National HAB Program -- A Retrospective and Look to the Future"

Anderson, Donald M., Plenary talk at 5th Symposium on Harmful Algae in the U.S., Ocean Shores, Washington, November 15-19, 2009. This presents the history of the U.S. National HAB program.
Presented by Donald Anderson

From Oceanus Magazine

September 9, 2015

Setting a Watchman for Harmful Algal Blooms

New undersea technology offers ways to monitor toxic outbreaks
Source: Oceanus Magazine

December 17, 2013

Behold the 'Plastisphere'

Colonies of microbes flourish on tiny bits in the ocean
Source: Oceanus Magazine

December 12, 2013

Dropping a Laboratory into the Sea

Revolutionary Sensor Detects Toxic Marine Organisms
Source: Oceanus Magazine

Bacteria Exhibit Altruistic BehaviorOctober 25, 2012

Bacteria Exhibit Altruistic Behavior

Some microbes make antibiotics to benefit their kin
Source: Oceanus Magazine

November 19, 2010

Scientists Use "ESP" to Track Harmful Algae

New Environmental Sample Processor could transform ocean monitoring
Source: Oceanus Magazine

August 8, 2008

Researchers Successfully Forecast 2008 Red Tide

New tool provides early warning of harmful algal bloom along New England coast
Source: Oceanus Magazine

September 13, 2006

The Oceans Are Filled with Microbes. Some Are Nasty

What environmental conditions foster outbreaks of pathogenic bacteria?
Source: Oceanus Magazine

legionella bacterium photo copyright dennis kunkel microscopy, incSeptember 7, 2006

Legions of Legionella Bacteria

Scientists find a surprising number of microbes in the sea
Source: Oceanus Magazine

Risks and remedies from the seaMay 26, 2005

Risks and Remedies from the Sea

Scientists team up to study the ocean's effect on health
Source: Oceanus Magazine

The Growing Problem of Harmful Algae November 12, 2004

The Growing Problem of Harmful Algae

Tiny plants pose potent threat to those who live in and eat from the sea
Source: Oceanus Magazine