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1. Morozov A.K., Colosi J.A.Equations for normal-mode statistics of sound scattering by a rough elastic boundary in an underwater waveguide, including backscattering, J. Acoust. Soc. Am.142, EL292-298 (2017);

2. Morozov A.K., Colosi J.A., Normal-mode statistics of sound scattering by a rough sea surface, elastic bottom, ice. Proceedings of the Acoustic & Environmental Variability, Fluctuations and Coherence Conference. Cambridge University (2016), pp. 95–102.

3. Morozov A.K. Colosi J.A. Entropy rate defined by internal wave scattering in long-range propagation J. Acoust. Soc. Am.138(3) 2015 pp.1353-1364

4. Zakharov Yu.V. Morozov A.K. OFDM transmission with no guard interval in fast-varying underwater acoustic channels, IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering, Vol. 40,No 1, 2015, pp. 144 – 158, 10.1109/JOE.2013.2296842

5. Peter N. Mikhalevsky, Hanne Sagen, Peter F. Worcester, Arthur B. Baggeroer, John Orcutt, Sue E. Moore, Craig M. Lee, Kathleen J. Vigness-Raposa, Lee Freitag, Matthew Arrott, Kuvvet Atakan, Agnieszka Beszczynska-Moeller, Timothy F. Duda, Brian D. Dushaw, Jean Claude Gascard, Alexander N. Gavrilov, Henk Keers, Andrey K. Morozov, Walter H. Munk, Michel Rixen, Stein Sandven, Emmanuel Skarsoulis, Kathleen M. Stafford, Frank Vernon, Mo Yan Yuen, Multipurpose acoustic networks in the integrated Arctic Ocean system. ARCTIC Vol 68, No 5, pp. 11-27, 2015.

6. Xiaoka Xu, Shengli Zhou, Andrey K. Morozov, James C. Preisig Per-survivor processing for underwater acoustic communications with direct-sequence spread spectrum J. Acoust. Soc. Am. Volume 133, Issue 5, pp. 2746-2754, 2013.

7. Charalampos C. Tsimenidis, Yuriy Zakharov, Christophe Laot, Konstantinos Pelekanakis, Paolo Casari, Andrey K. Morozov "Underwater Communications and Networking," Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering, vol. 2012, Article ID 214012, 2 pages, 2012. doi:10.1155/2012/214012.

8. Colosi J.A., Duda T.F., Morozov A.K. Statistics of low-frequency normal-mode amplitudes in an ocean with random sound-speed perturbations: Shallow-water environments. J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 131 (2), Pt. 2, 1749-1761, 2012.

9. Morozov A.K. , Preisig J.C., and Papp J.C., Investigation of Mode Filtering as a Preprocessing Method for Shallow Water Acoustic Communications. IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering., Vol. 35, Issue 4, 744-755, (2010).

10. Papp J.C, Preisig J.C., Morozov A.K., Physically constrained maximum likelihood mode filtering, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 127, Issue 4, 2385-2391 (2010).

11. Colosi J.A., Morozov A.K. Statistics of normal mode amplitudes in an ocean with random sound-speed perturbations: Cross-mode coherence and mean intensity, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 126 Issue 3, 1026-1035 (2009).

12. Morozov A.K. , Preisig J.C., and Papp J.C., Investigation of modal processing for low frequency acoustic communications in shallow water, JASA meeting Acoustics'08 Paris, ACTA ACUSTICA UNITED WITH ACUSTICA Vol. 94 2008, Suppl.1, S924, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. v. 123 p. 3892 (2008), POMA Volume 4, Issue 1, pp. 070005-070005-16, (2008).

13. Morozov A.K. , Preisig J.C., and Papp J.C., Modal processing for acoustic communications in shallow water experiment, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. Vol. 124, Issue 3, pp. EL177-EL181, 2008.

14. Morozov A. K., Webb D. C., Underwater tunable organ-pipe sound source, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 122 2, August 2007, pp 777-785.

15. Morozov A. K. Colosi J. A., Stochastic Differential Equation Analysis for Sound Scattering by Random Internal Waves in the Ocean, Acoustical Physics, 2007, Vol. 53, No. 3, pp. 335-347.

16. Morozov A.K., Colosi J.A. Entropy and scintillation analysis of acoustical beam propagation through ocean internal waves. JASA, 117(3), Pt. 2 March 2005, pp. 1611-1623.

17. Egerev S.V., Morozov A.K., Lyamshev L.M. Laser sound technique for the remote control of underwater oceanographic instrumentation, ACTA ACUSTICA united with ACUSTICA, Vol. 90, No 2, 2004, pp. 263-271.

18. Morozov A.K., Webb D.C. A sound projector for acoustic tomography and global ocean monitoring. (invited paper), IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering. Vol. 28, No 2, April 2003, pp. 174-185.

19. Morozov A.K. Pseudocoherent accumulation of pulse response of hydroacoustic channel in processing of pseudonoise signals in the THETIS-II experiment. Acoustical Physics Vol. 42, No 6,1996, pp. 733-738.

20. Egerev S.V., Lyamshev L.M., Morozov A.K., Pashin A.E. An optoacoustical channel for remote control of underwater oceanological instrumentation. Oceanology Vol. 36, No 2, 1996, pp. 291-295.

21. Derevnin V.A., Morozov A.K. Self-contained buoys with hydroacoustic systems for remote measuring and control. Oceanology Vol. 35, No 4, 1996, pp. 582-586.

22. Kuryanov B.F., Morozov A.K.,Timashkevich G.K. Acoustic tomography of internal waves in the ocean. Acoustical Physics, Vol. 41, No 1, 1995, pp. 96-99.

23. Morozov A.K., Derevnin V.A. Use of broadband signals in underwater sound telemetry and remote control systems in autonomous oceanological stations, Acoustical Physics, Vol. 40, No 3, 1994, pp. 420-421.

24. Morozov A.K., Stepin V.A., Characteristics of wideband cascade constructions in multipath channel with Rice fading. Soviet Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics, 1992, v.37, N.16, pp. 76-81.

25. Morozov A.K., Stepin V.A. The characteristics of modulation coding system on the basis of pseudonoise signal ensemble and Reed-Solomon codes in multipath channel with Rise fading, (Russian) Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedenii seriya radioelektronika.(English translation in Radio Electronics and Communications Systems) 1991, v.34, N.11, pp.50-53.

26. Morozov A.K., Stepin V.A. Optimal parameters of modulation coding system on the base of orthogonal broadband signals and Reed-Solomon codes in multipath channel with Rayleigh fading, (Russian) Radiotekhnicheskie tetradi, Proceedings of Radiotechnical Department of Moscow Power Engineering Institute, Moscow, 1991, N.1 pp. 31-33.

27. Morozov A.K., Golovkin D.A., Stepin B.A. Information transmission with the help of broadband recurrent signals on the base of matrix in a form of Kronecker power. Proceedings of Moscow Power Engineering Institute, 1991, N. 639, pp. 97-102.

28. Morozov A.K., Stepin V.A. Boundary for generalized code distance in channel with reflections without fading. Proceedings of Moscow Power Engineering Institute, 1991, N. 639, pp. 102-107.

29. Morozov A.K., The upper boundary for reception error probability of signals on the base of blocks and recurrent codes, (Russian) Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedenii seriya radioelektronika. (English translation in Radio Electronics and Communications Systems) 1990, v.33, N.1, pp. 48-52.

30. Morozov A.K., Reception of recurrent signals in multipath channel by means of Viterbi algorithm, Soviet Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics, v.34, 16, 1989, p.1-7.

31. Morozov A.K., Kolmogorov A.N., Comparison of block and recurrent signals in low-speed multiple-beam channel having fast fading and unrestricted bandwidth, Radioectronics and communications systems, v.32, 5, 1989, p.6-10.

32. Morozov A.K. Penin P.I. Microprocessors and microcomputer application in digital communication systems. Moscow, Moscow Power Engineering Institute, student manual, 1989.

33. Morozov A.K., The reliability of recurrent signal reception with an ideal estimate of channel parameters, Telecommunications and radio engineering, v.44, 7, 1989, p.80-83.

34. Morozov A.K., Correlation properties of a sequence of recurrent signals. (Russian) Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedenii seriya radioelektronika. (English translation in Radio Electronics and Communications Systems) 1988, n.11, pp.59-62.

35. Lazareva L.L., Morozov A.K., Penin P.I., Complex signals based on correlating codes and evaluation of their noise immunity in multibeam channels, Telecommunications and radio engineering, v.43, 12, 1988, p.99-102.

36. Morozov A.K., Kolmogorov A.N., Noise immunity of reception wide-band recurrent phase-manipulated signals in multipath channel, Soviet journal of communications technology and electronics, v.33, 4, 1988, p.122-128.

37. Morozov A.K., Digital data transmission over a stationary stochastic channel with uncorrelated paths using recursive spread-spectrum signals, Soviet journal of communications technology and electronics, v.33, 2, 1988, p.100-107.

38. Morozov A.K., Nefedov V.O., Tuzikov V.A. Graphical description of sequences of orthogonal recurrent signals. (Russian) Proceedings of Moscow Power Engineering Institute N. 157, 1988, pp. 86-91.

39. Morozov A.K., Semenovich B.B., Kholmogorov A.N. A system for transfer of oceanological data from an oceanological research buoy station. Oceanology, 1987, vol.27, No.3, pp. 391-396.

40. Morozov A.K. Kholmogorov A.N. Digital processing of recurrent PM signals in stochastic multipath channels (Russian) Proceedings of Moscow Power Engineering Institute 1987, N.129. pp. 80-84.

41. Morozov A.K. Optimum processing of recurrent signals in multipath channel (Russian) Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedenii seriya radioelektronika. (English translation in Radio Electronics and Communications Systems) 1986, v.29, N.1, pp. 3-7.

42. Morozov A.K., Penin P.I. Peculiarity of optimum reception of digital messages in channel with reflections. (Russian) Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedenii seriya radioelektronika. (English translation in Radio Electronics and Communications Systems) 1986, v.29, N.11, pp. 3-7.

43. Morozov A.K., Shmelev V.A. Optimal reception of PIM-AM signals in a channel with random time scale changes, (Russian) Proceedings of Moscow Power Engineering Institute 1986, N.94, pp 5-9.

44. Morozov A.K., Litzarev N.A. Adaptive array for the separation of signals arriving from different directions. (Russian) Radiotekhnika (English translation in Telecommunications and Radio Engineering) v.9, 1985, pp. 66-69.

45. Morozov A.K., Lazareva L.L., Penin P.I., Tuzikov V.A. Digital signal reception in channels with scattering. (Russian), Proceedings of Moscow Power Engineering Institute 1982, v.593, pp.52-56.

46. Morozov A.K., Penin P.I. Incoherent reception noise-immunity of PM binary signals with fast fading. (Russian), Proceedings of Moscow Power Engineering Institute 1981, v.516, pp.3-7.

47. Morozov A.K. Acoustic signals reflected from the sea surface scattering function analysis. (Russian), Acoustic methods and equipment of the ocean exploration, proceedings of Far East Poly-Technical Institute, Vladivostok, 1981, pp.89-92.

48. Morozov A.K., Kodanev V.P., Kononov E.D., Penin P.I., Tsvelev E.I. About ultrasonic scattering in inhomogeneous sea medium, (Russian), Proceedings of Moscow Power Engineering Institute 1981, v.514/1, pp.114-119.

49. Morozov A. K., Kodanev V.P., Penin P.I., Tsvelev E.I. Some experimental results of the acoustic signals deformation during the sea surface reflection. (Russian), Proceedings of Moscow Power Engineering Institute 1981, v.515/1, pp.110-114.

50. Morozov A.K. Optimal noise-immunity of signals with different kinds of modulation in a line of sight scattering channels. (Russian), Proceedings of Moscow Power Engineering Institute 1980, v.467, pp.54-58.

51. Morozov A.K. Correlation receiver of phase modulated signals in a channel with reflections, (Russian), Proceedings of Moscow Power Engineering Institute 1980, v.467, pp. 49-53.

52. Morozov A.K. Correlation of field in a random dissipative medium with random boundaries. (Russian), Proceedings of Moscow Power Engineering Institute 1979, v.418, pp.36-39.

53. Morozov A.K. Frequency-spatial cross correlation of a field in random inhomogeneous medium. (Russian), Proceedings of Moscow Power Engineering Institute 1977, v.334, pp.137-138.

54. Morozov A.K. Optimization of reception for the binary PM signals in the channel with scattering. (Russian), Proceedings of Moscow Power Engineering Institute 1976, v.295, pp.3-6.

55. Morozov A.K., Biryukov Yu.A. Scattering process investigation in a digital channel with inhomogeneous medium. (Russian), Proceedings of Moscow Power Engineering Institute 1975, v.215, pp.10-17.

56. Morozov A.K., Biryukov Yu.A. Calculation of scattering noise dispersion in information channels. (Russian), Proceedings of Moscow Power Engineering Institute 1975, v.215/2, pp.16-24.

57. Morozov A.K., Biryukov Yu.A. Optimal noise immunity of PM signals in a line of sight channels with scattering. (Russian), Proceedings of Moscow Institute of Radioengineering, Electronics and Automation 1975, v.83, 50-59.

58. Morozov A.K., Penin P.I., Khzmalian A.D. Information channels with frequency-dependent characteristics simulation. (Russian), Proceedings of Moscow Power Engineering Institute 1974, v.180, pp.11-12.

OTHER PUBLICATIONS including peer reviewed conference proceedings, workshops presentations, conference papers and abstracts, some invited lectures:


  1. Morozov A.K., Webb D.C Underwater Bubble Infrasound Source for Marine Seismic Survey, 42 Scandinavian Symposium on Physical Acoustics, Geilo, Norway , 27-30 January 2019
  2. Morozov A.K., Shropshire D. Teledyne seismic source in the form of an underwater bubble resonator, SEG-18, 2018 Post-convention Workshop Marine Vibrator Technology for Seismic Acquisition 2018 14-19 October Anaheim, CA, USA.
  3. Morozov A.K., Webb D.C Underwater bubble low frequency source for Arctic acoustic tomography, navigation, and communication, The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 144, 1819 (2018);
  4. Morozov A.K., Webb D.C Physical Acoustics of the Underwater Bubble Infra-Sound Resonator, 41st Scandinavian Symposium on Physical Acoustics, Geilo, Norway , 28-31 January 2018
  5. Morozov A.K., Webb D.C Experiments with the Underwater Bubble Low Frequency Sound Resonator. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 143, 1762 (2018);
  6. Morozov A.K., Green D. Joint Channel Estimation and Data Decoding for Underwater Acoustic Communications, NSF workshop on underwater wireless communications and networking, Washington DC. 19-20 March 2018.
  7. Morozov A.K., Scussel K.F., Wolf M., Coryer M.J. The new development of the autonomous sources for ocean acoustic navigation, tomography and communications OCEANS 2017 MTS/IEEE Anchorage, pp. 1 – 8, 2017
  8. Morozov A.K., Tunable and broadband resonator pipe sound sources for ocean acoustic tomography, communications and long-range navigation OCEANS 2017 MTS/IEEE Aberdeen, pp. 1 – 8, 2017
  9. Morozov A.K., Webb D.C., Chiu C.S., Worcester P.F., Dzieciuch M.A.; Sagen H.; Guigné J.Y., Altshuler T.W. High-efficient tunable sound sources for ocean and bottom tomography, 15 years of operating history OCEANS 2016 MTS/IEEE Monterey, pp. 1 – 10, 2016
  10. Morozov A.K., Colosi J.A. Normal-mode statistics of sound scattering by a rough elastic boundary in underwater wave-guide in a full coupled mode approach, including back-scattering J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 141, 3474 (2017);
  11. Morozov A.K., Webb D.C. Deep water sound sources for ocean acoustic tomography and long-range navigation J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 140, 3135 (2016);
  12. Morozov A.K., Colosi J.A. Coupled acoustic mode equations in the ocean waveguide with rough sea surface and elastic bottom. J. Acoust. Soc. Am.139, 2197 (2016);
  13. Morozov A.K., Green D., Jones C.P.Sub-Ice Glider Navigation and Communication UComms 2016 IEEE, Third Underwater Communicatios and Networking Conference 2016.
  14. Altshuler T.W., Morozov A.K. Sound sources for ocean acoustic tomography and marine seismic operations. Oceanology International China 2015, 3-5 Nov 2015, CECIS, Shanghai
  15. Morozov A.K. Teledyne Seismic Bubble Resonator Source. SEG-2015 Workshop. Next Generation Marine Seismic Sources. New Orleans, LA USA 22 October. 2015;
  16. Morozov A.K. Marine Vibrator Bubble Source Simulation And Testing. COMSOL 2015, BOSTON, MA October 2015;
  17. Xiaoka Xu, Shengli Zhou, Haixin Sun, Andrey K. Morozov, and Yuzhi Zhang Proccedings of Oceans 14 St.Johns, Newfoundland, Canada, 2014
  18. Andre Pant, Robert Lilly, Dr. Jacques Guigné , Andrey Morozov , Shervin Azad Experimental Design and Testing of a Marine Broadband Swept Frequency Seismic Resonating Pipe Source for Offshore Geological Imaging Proccedings of Oceans 14 St.Johns, Newfoundland, Canada, 2014
  19. Morozov A.K. Doubly resonant underwater acoustic transducer for long distance sound propagation, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 135, 2304 (2014);
  20. Morozov A.K. Bubble sound source EAGE Amsterdam June 2014.
  21. Morozov A.K, C. Jones, J. Manley Under ice positioning and communications for unmanned vehicle, Oceans 2013, Bergen Norway.
  22. Peter N. Mikhalevsky, Hanne Sagen, Peter F. Worcester, Arthur B. Baggeroer, Sue E. Moore, Craig M. Lee, Kathleen J. Vigness-Raposa, Lee Freitag, Agnieszka Beszczynska-Moeller, Timothy F. Duda, Brian D. Dushaw, Jean Claude Gascard, Alexander N. Gavrilov, Andrey K. Morozov, Walter H. Munk, Michel Rixen, Stein Sandven, Emmanuel Skarsoulis, Kathleen M. Stafford, Elling Tveit Multipurpose Acoustic Networks in the Integrated Arctic Ocean Observing System, invited White Paper , Arctic Observing Summit 30 April- 2 May 2013 Vancouver, BC
  23. V. Zakharov, A. K. Morozov Adaptive Sparse Channel Estimation for Guard-Free OFDM Transmission in Underwater Acoustic Channels, International conference on Underwater Acoustic Measurements: Technologies and Results, 12th European Conference on Underwater Acoustics Corfu, Greece, June, 2013.
  24. Sandven, S., Sagen, H., Bertino, L., Beszczynska-Möller, A., Fahrbach, E., Worcester, P. F., Dzieciuch, M. A., Walczowski, W., Wieczorek, P., Skarsoulis, E., Morozov, A. K., Dumont, D., Dushaw, B. D., Lee, C. M., and Hansen, E. (2012). "The Fram Strait integrated ocean observing and modelling system," in Proceedings of the 6th EuroGOOS Conference (Sopot 2012, Poland).
  25. Morozov A.K., C. Jones, J. Manley Unmanned Vehicles and Acoustics for Under Ice Environmental Monitoring. Arctic Technology Conference (ATC), Houston, Texas, USA, 3-5 December 2012
  26. Morozov A.K., Colosi J.A. Entropy Rate and Informational Loss Defined by Internal Wave Scattering in Long-Range Propagation, UCOMMS conference and Workshop in Sestri Levante, Italy 12-14 September 2012
  27. K. Morozov, J. E. Manley, C. Jones, Unmanned Vehicles and Acoustics for Under Ice Environmental Monitoring Proceedings of Arctic Technology Conference, 3-5 December 2012
  28. Lee Freitag, Peter Koski, Andrey Morozov, Sandipa Singh, James Partan, Acoustic Communications and Navigation Under Arctic Ice, OCEANS'12 MTS/IEEE HAMPTON ROADS.
  29. V. Zakharov, A. K. Morozov, and J. C. Preisig, “Doppler effect compensation for cyclic-prefix-free OFDM signals in fast-varying underwater acoustic channel” in Proceedings of European Conference on Underwater Acoustics, ECUA’2012, Edinburgh, UK, 2-6 July, 2012 (invited).
  30. Morozov A.K., Green D., Sequential analysis for underwater communications J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 131, 3276 (2012).
  31. Sagen H., S. Sandven, A. Beszczynska-Möller, E. Farhbach, P. Worcester, A. Morozov, The Fram Strait acoustic system for tomography, navigation and passive listening, In Int. Conf. Underwater Acoustic Measurements: Technologies & Results, Kos, Greece, J. S. Papadakis and L. Bjorno, 2011.
  32. Morozov, A.K., T.W. Altshuler, T Clayton P. Jones, L.E. Freitag, P. A.Koski, and S. Singh, Underwater Acoustic Technologies for Long-Range Navigation and Communications in the Arctic, In Int. Conf. Underwater Acoustic Measurements: Technologies & Results, Kos, Greece, J. S. Papadakis and L. Bjorno, 2011.
  33. Morozov A.K., Freitag L. E., Preisig J.C., Investigation of joint channel estimation and data decoding for underwater acoustic communications with multi-carrier modulation. J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 128 2355 (2010).
  34. Morozov A.K, Altshuler T.W, Jones C.P., Freitag L.E., Koski P.A. Acoustic Technology for Glider Long-Range Navigation and Communications. 6-th Biannual NRC-IOT Worshop on underwater vehicle technology. National Research Council Canada (NRC), Institute for Ocean Technology (IOT) St. John’s, Newfoundland, Canada October 21-22, 2010.
  35. Morozov A.K., Freitag L. E., Preisig J.C., Joint Channel Estimation and Data Recovery for High-Rate Underwater Acoustic Communications with Multi-Carrier Modulation, WUWNET '10 conference WHOI 31 Sep-1 Oct 2010, 4p.
  36. Morozov A.K., Freitag L. E., Preisig J.C., Multi-Carrier Modulation for High-Rate Underwater Acoustic Communications, ISWCS 2010, Sep. 2010 York, UK, 2010, 5p.
  37. Freitag L.E., Morozov A.K. Under-Ice Acoustic Communications and Navigation for Gliders and AUVs, American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2009, abstract #OS43B-1389, 2/2009.
  38. Voronovich A.G., Ostashev V.E., Colosi J.A., Morozov A.K. Cross-mode coherences and decoupling of equations for mode intensities in two-dimensional and three-dimensional fluctuating ocean. (A) J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 126 2158 (2009).
  39. Papp J.C., Preisig J.C., Morozov A.K. Physically constrained maximum-likelihood mode filtering and its application as a pre-processing method for underwater acoustic communication. (A) J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 126 2183 (2009).
  40. Sagen, H, Sandven, S., Beszczynska-Moeller, A., Boebel, O., Duda T. F., Freitag, L., Gascard, J. C., Gavrilov, A., Lee, C. M., Mellinger, D.K., Mikhalevsky, P., Moore, S., Morozov, A. K., Rixen, M., Skarsoulis, E., Stafford, K., Tveit, E., Worcester, P. F., Acoustic technologies for observing the interior of the Arctic Ocean OceanObs '09, 21-25 September 2009, Venice, Italy.
  41. Colosi J. A., Morozov A. K., Duda T. F. Statistics of mode amplitudes in shallow water environments: Effects of random linear internal waves and nonlinear internal wave packets. J. Acoust. Soc. Am. Volume 125, Issue 4, pp. 2619-2619 (April 2009).
  42. Colosi J. A., Morozov A. K., Mode coupling induced by random ocean sound speed structure: Mean intensity and revisiting the evolution equations for the cross-mode coherences, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 124 2598 (2008).
  43. Morozov A.K., Colosi J.A Stochastic differential equation analysis for ocean acoustic energy scattering by internal waves, Lecture 21 August 2008 - Nansen Environmental and Remote Sensing Center.
  44. Morozov A.K., Preisig J.C., Papp J., Investigation of Modal Processing for Low Frequency Acoustic Communications in Shallow Water. ASA meeting Acoustics'08 Paris, 29 June - 4 July 2008 ACTA ACUSTICA UNITED WITH ACUSTICA Vol. 94 2008, Suppl.1, S924.
  45. Duda T.F., Morozov A.K., Howe B.M., Brown M.G., Speer K., Lazarevich P., Worcester P.F., Cornuelle B.D. Evaluation of a Long-Range Joint Acoustic Navigation / Thermometry System, Proceedings of Oceans 2006.
  46. Morozov, A.K., Preisig, J.C., Underwater acoustic communications with multi-carrier modulation, Proceedings of Oceans 2006.
  47. Morozov A.K., Colosi J.A. Stochastic differential equation analysis for ocean acoustic energy scattering by internal waves (A) J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 119 3344 (2006).
  48. Colosi J. A., Morozov A. K., A linear theory of internal tide beam disintegration from stochastic ocean density structure Eos Trans. AGU, 87(36), Ocean Sci. Meet. Suppl., Abstract OS22I-05 (2006)
  49. Morozov A.K., Colosi J.A. Stochastic differential equation analysis for ocean acoustic energy scattering by internal waves J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 119 3344 (2006).
  50. Morozov A.K., Colosi J.A. Entropy and scintillation analysis of acoustical beam propagation through ocean internal waves J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 117 1611 (2005).
  51. Morozov A.K., Webb D.C. Underwater sound source with tunable resonator for ocean acoustic tomography J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 116, 2635 (2004).
  52. Morozov A.K., Colosi J.A. Entropy of Acoustical Beams in a Random Ocean. Proceedings of Oceans 2003 September 22-26, 2003.
  53. Webb D.C., Morozov A.K., EnsignT.H. A new approach to low frequency wide-band projector design. Proceedings of Oceans 2002 October 29-31, 2002. pp. 2342-2349.
  54. Morozov A.K., Snegovoy A.A., Tischenko S.V. The new method of the numerical ray tracing for waves propagating in 3D-inhomogeneous isotropic medium Symposium Theory of partial differential equations and special topics of theory of ordinary differential dedicated to 150th anniversary of birthday of Sofia V. Kovalevskaya St. Petersburg, Russia May 11-15, 2000.
  55. Morozov A.K., Yoon J.-H. Project of acoustic tomography experiment In Japan Sea. Proceedings of International Symposium on Circulation Research of the East Asian Marginal Seas- CREAMS'99 January 25-29 1999, Fukuoka, Japan.
  56. Morozov A.K. Acoustical array application in sea experiments, Proceedings of Workshop "New Concepts in Ocean, Atmosphere, and Sea Floor Sensor Technologies for Gas Hydrate Investigations and Research" Biloxi, Mississippi, March 22-26, 1999, pp. 105-114.
  57. Morozov A.K. Underwater acoustic tomography of Japan Sea Newsletters N 2 of Dynamics Simulation Research Center, Research Institute for Applied Mechanics, Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan, 30.4.1999 , p. 4.
  58. Egerev S.V., Morozov A.K. Optoacoustic technique for Remote Control of underwater oceanographic instrumentation. Proceedings of 137th Acoustical Society of America meeting, Berlin, Germany, 14-19 March 1999, JASA v. 105, N2, Pt. 2 February, 1999, p.1170.
  59. Kur'yanov B.F., Sabinin K.D., Stepin V.N., Derevnin V.A., Tilinin D.A., Morozov A.K Research of mesoscale variability of sea medium by remote acoustic methods. Newsletter of Russian Foundation for Basic Research. 1999. v. 7. № 5. p. 47.
  60. Morozov A.K. Underwater acoustic tomography of Japan Sea Newsletters N 1 of Dynamics Simulation Research Center, Research Institute for Applied Mechanics, Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan, 30.4.1998, p. 4.
  61. Morozov A.K., Derevnin V.A. Oceanology controlled buoyancy buoys with digital acoustic communication. Proceedings of MTS Ocean Community Conference '98, USA, Baltimore, Maryland, November 16-19, 1998. pp. 666-670.
  62. Utyakov L.L., Morozov A.K., Derevnin V.A. Bottom stations and buoys for ocean exploration. Proceedings of the IV International Scientific and Technical Conference "Modern methods and facilities in oceanological investigations", Moscow, 1998, pp.55-62.
  63. Morozov A.K. Application of pseudorandom phase-manipulated signals in mobile acoustic communication channels at strong Doppler effect. Proceedings of the IV International Scientific and Technical Conference "Modern methods and facilities in oceanological investigations", Moscow, 1998, p. 98.
  64. Morozov A.K., Yoon J.-H. Fundamental limit for precision and resolution of acoustic tomography. Proceeding of Fall Meeting of Oceanographic Society of Japan. September 25-29 Kyoto-city, 1998, p.250.
  65. Derevnin V.A., Morozov A.K., Stepin V.A. Oceanology controlled buoyancy autonomous buoys. Oceans'98, Conference proceeding v.3, 28 September -1 October, 1998, Nice, France pp.1812-1816.
  66. Morozov A.K., Stromkov A.À. Phase-difference methods in underwater acoustic signal processing, Proceeding of 4th European Conference on Underwater Acoustics, Rome, Italy, 21-25 September, 1998 pp. 75-80.
  67. Morozov A.K. Decomposition of energy of pseudonoise phase-manipulated signals received from multielement acoustic array on delay angle plane Ocean Acoustic school-seminar L.M.Brekhovskikh and VII session of Russian Acoustical Society, Moscow, Russia 25-28 May 1998, pp. 37-41.
  68. Morozov A.K. Decomposition of energy of pseudonoise phase-manipulated signals from multielement acoustic array on delay angle plane The 4th Pacific Ocean Remote Sensing Conference (PORSEC'98), Qingdao, China July 28-31, 1998, 725-727.
  69. Egerev S.V., Morozov A.K. Laser sound technique for remote control of underwater oceanology instrumentation, Book of Abstracts, 10th International Conference on Photoacoustic and Photothermal Phenomena (10ICPPP), Rome, Italy, 1998, pp. 77-78.
  70. Egerev S.V., Morozov A.K. Laser sound technique for remote control of underwater oceanology instrumentation, 3rd Workshop on Photoacoustics and Photothermics within 27th Winter school on Molecular and Quantum Acoustics held by Polish Acoustic Society, 23-27 February, 1998, Ustron, Poland.
  71. Kuryanov B.F., Morozov A.K. Local Acoustic Tomography of Dynamical Processes in the Ocean. Proceedings of International Workshop on Shallow-Water Acoustics. San Francisco, CA, December, 1997.
  72. Derevnin V.A., Morozov A.K., Stepin V.A. Autonomous cyclical buoy. Proceedings of the III International Scientific and Technical Conference Modern Methods and Facilities in Oceanological Investigations, P.P.Shirshov Institute of Oceanology Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, 1997, pp 71-72.
  73. Derevnin V.A., Kuryanov B.F., Morozov A.K. Autonomous acoustic facilities and methods for remote research of mesoscale processes in ocean. Proceedings of the III International Scientific and Technical Conference Modern Methods and Facilities in Oceanological Investigations, P.P.Shirshov Institute of Oceanology Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, 1997, pp 85-88.
  74. Chen G., Morozov A.K., Bao J. A processing method of complex phase manipulated signal and its application to shallow water acoustical channel, International Conference on Shallow-Water Acoustics, SWAC'97, Beijing, China 21-25 April 1997, pp. 559-564.
  75. Kur'yanov B.F., Volkov A.Yu., Derevnin V.A., Morozov A.K., Sabinin K.D., Stepin V.A. Studying of mesoscale variability of sea medium by remote acoustic methods. Newsletter of Russian Foundation for Basic Research 1997. v. 5. № 5. p. 64.
  76. Kerzhakov B.V., Morozov A.K., Fokin V.N., Fokin M.S. Research of elastic layered bottom influence to acoustic signals propagation and development of methods of layered bottom acoustic parameters estimation. Newsletter of Russian Foundation for Basic Research. 1996. v. 4. № 2. p. 1004.
  77. Egerev S.V., Lyamshev L.M., Morozov A.K., Simanovskij Ya. О., Fokin A.B. Theoretical and experimental simulation of laser optoacoustic diagnostics of sea-bottom in shallow water. Newsletter of Russian Foundation for Basic Research. 1996. v. 4. № 5. p. 190.
  78. Brekhovskikh L.M., Gavrilov A.N., Goncharov V.V., Kurtepov V.M., Kur'yanov B.F., Mikhin D.Yu., Morozov A.K., Chepurin Yu.A. Acoustic tomography and the thermometry of Arctic Ocean Newsletter of Russian Foundation for Basic Research. 1996. v. 4. № 5. p. 625.
  79. Kuryanov B.F., Morozov A.K. Acoustic tomography of internal waves caused by tides near underwater mount in Atlantic Ocean. Proceedings of the Third European Conference on Underwater Acoustics Heraklion, Crete, Greece, 24-28 July, 1996, vol. 2, pp. 833-838.
  80. Fokin V.N., Fokina M.S. Morozov A.K. Possibility of bottom-layer parameter reconstruction using acoustic signals of the THETIS-2 experiment. ASA 132nd meeting - Hawaii, December 1996. J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 100, 2614 p., 1996.
  81. Derevnin V.A., Kuryanov B.F., Morozov A.K. Acoustic tomography of small-scale ocean nonhomogeneity. Proceedings of IV Workshop on Circulation Research of the East Asian Marginal Seas (CREAMS-96) Vladivostok February 12-13, 1996, pp. 211-216.
  82. Morozov A.K. The sequential analysis application in the problem of estimation of stochastic channel impulse response. OCEANS'95 MTS/IEEE Proceedings 1995, "Challenges of Our Changing Global Environment", vol. 2, pp. 1049-1053.
  83. Morozov A.K., Derevnin V.A. Broadband signal application in hydro-acoustic telemetry and remote control system of autonomous oceanology stations. II Session of Russian Acoustical Society Acoustical Media Monitoring. N.N.Andreev Acoustical Institute. Moscow, May 24-27. 1993, pp. 151-153.
  84. Kuryanov B.F., Morozov A.K. "Acoustic Communication System with Broadband Phasemanipulated Signals". Proceedings of the Institute of Acoustics, University of Birmingham. United Kingdom Vol. 15, Number 9, 1993, pp 160-167.
  85. Morozov A.K., Snegovoy A.A., Tischenko S.V. "Method of Numerical Ray Tracing for Waves Propagation in 3D Inhomogeneous Isotropic Medium", International Symposium on Computation Tomography CT-93, Novosibirsk, August 9-14, 1993, 336-343 pp., published in the book Computerized Tomography, Netherlands, 1995 396 p.
  86. Morozov A.K., Nefedov V.O., Finatiev A.Y., Kholmogorov A.N. "Acoustic experimental measurement complex for the research of the ocean. Achievement of educational institutes scientists in research work." Moscow. Exhibition of Achievements of National Industry. Prospectus, 1988.
  87. Morozov A.K., Semenovich B.B., Kholmogorov A.N., Finatiev A.Y. Hydroacoustical communication channel with neutral buoyancy buoy Proceedings (Russian). III Congress of Soviet Oceanologists. Acoustics and optics of the ocean. Leningrad. December 1987. pp. 79-81.
  88. Morozov A.K., Golovkin D.A. Random Markov signals optimal detection. (Russian), Fifth Moscow conference of young scientists and professionals on increasing of reliability, efficiency and power of energetic, electro-technique, and radio-technique equipment, Proceedings, Jan.13-Feb.4, 1983, v.2, p.8.
  89. Morozov A.K., Penin P.I., Tsvelev E.A. Influence of sea surface reflection on noise-stability and information rate of digital communication. (Russian), Third Far East Acoustic conference ‘Human and Ocean', Proceedings, Vladivostok, 1982, pp.67-70.
  90. Morozov A.K. Noise-immunity of an incoherent receiver of phase manipulated signals in the channel with reflection. (Russian), Fourth Moscow science-technique conference of young scientists and professionals on increasing of reliability, efficiency and power of energetic, electro-technique, and radio-technique equipment, Proceedings, Moscow, Moscow Power Engineering Institute, 1980.

Patents: ;

  1. Andrey K Morozov, Douglas C Webb: Low-frequency sound source for underwater sound propagation research and calibration Teledyne Instruments December 4, 2018: US 10144035
  2. Andrey K Morozov, Douglas C Webb: Doubly resonant seismic source Teledyne Instruments November 27, 2018: US 10139503
  3. Andrey K Morozov, Douglas C Webb: Doubly resonant seismic source. Teledyne Instruments July 5, 2016: US 9383463
  4. Andrey K Morozov: Broadband sound source for long distance underwater sound propagation. Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution March 11, 2014: US 8670293
  5. Andrey K Morozov, Douglas C Webb: Tunable bubble sound source. Teledyne Instruments January 21, 2014: US 8634276
  6. Andrey K Morozov, Douglas C Webb: Gas-filled bubble seismo-acoustic source Teledyne Instruments May 14, 2013 US 8,441,892
  7. Andrey K Morozov, Douglas C Webb: Gas-filled bubble sound source. Teledyne Instruments December 11, 2012: US 8331198
  8. Andrey K Morozov, Douglas C Webb: Gas-filled bubble sound source. Teledyne Instruments July 2012: US 8218399
  9. Andrey K Morozov, Douglas C Webb: Tunable bubble sound source. Teledyne Instruments January 21, 2014: US 8634276
  10. Andrey K Morozov et al. Low-frequency sound source for underwater sound propagation research and calibration, Patent application SA 20190060953, February 28, 2019
  11. Andrey K Morozov, et al. Dual resonant single aperture seismic source, Patent application USA 20170276812 September 28, 2017.
  12. Andrey K Morozov, et al. Doubly resonant seismic source, Patent application USA 20170031039, February 2, 2017
  13. Andrey K Morozov, et al. Gas-filled bubble sound source, Patent application USA 20130010573 January 10, 2013
  14. Andrey K Morozov, et al. Gas-filled seismo-acoustic source, Patent application USA 20120243378 September 27, 2012
  15. Andrey K Morozov, et al. Gas-filled bubble sound source, Patent application 20120243377 September 27, 2012.
  16. Andrey K Morozov, et al. Transmitter-receiver separation system for full-dupkex underwater acoustic communication Patent application 20190007145, January 3, 2019.
  17. Andrey K Morozov, et al. Broad-band sound source for long distance underwater sound production Patent application USA 20120269037, October 25, 2012
  18. Andrey K Morozov, Low-frtequency broadband sound source for underwater navigation and communication, Patent application USA 20190057680, February 21, 2019
  19. Morozov A.K. Stepin V.A. System for encoding and decoding with error correction, 1991.02.22, Patent RU 2007042
  20. Morozov A.K. Method of motion of submersible vehicle in depth and device for realization of this method (versions), 1994.03.29, Patent RU 2081782
  21. Morozov A.K Method and device for information transmission in multiple beam channel, 1996.07.25, Patent RU 2118052
  22. Morozov A.K., Komarov V.S. Method and device for motion of submersible vehicle in depth through use of temperature gradient of sea water (versions), 1998.01.06, Patent RU 2124457
  23. Morozov A.K. Device for motion of submersible vehicle in depth by use of thermal energy of surrounding medium, 1998.05.19, Patent RU 2130401
  24. Morozov A.K. Scanning thermal buoy, 1998.11.13, Patent RU 2137662
  25. Morozov A.K. Thermal device for motion of submersible vehicle in depth, 1998.12.02, Patent RU 2142385
  26. Morozov A.K., Utjakov L.L. Device for motion of submersible vehicle in depth by means of temperature gradient of thermocline, 1998.02.17, Patent RU 2153439

Scientific reports:

  1. M. Taroudakis & ... A New, Full-Field Approach to Acoustic Tomography of Ocean Currents in the Coastal Zone The Final Report INTAS-RBRF 95 1002: The Final Report.
  2. Brekhovskih L.M.& ... Final report on INTAS grant "Comparison between three approach to the ocean acoustic tomography: field experiment and numerical simulation" INTAS -93-0557 European management Michael Taroudakis (IASM/FORTH, Heraclion, Greece), Yve Desaubies IFREMER, Brest, France. (1995-1996).
  3. Egerev S.V. Lyamshev L.M., Morozov A.K. Simanovsky Ya.O. Fokin A.V. Theoretical and experimental modeling of a laser optoacoustic remote diagnostics of the sea-bed in shallow-water regions, N.N.Andreev Acoustics Institute, Moscow, Report 1997 RFBR Grant 96-05-64538
  4. Brekhovskikh L.M., Gavrilov A.N., Goncharov V.V., Kurtepov V.M., Kuryanov B.F., Mikhin D.Yu., Morozov A.K., Chepurin Yu.A. Acoustical tomography and thermometry of arctic basin, P.P.Shirshov Oceanology Institute RAS, Moscow, Report, 1997, RFBR, Grant 96-05-65880.
  5. Kuryanov B.F., Volkov A.Yu., Derevnin V.A., Morozov A.,K., Sabinin K.D., Stepin V.A. The middle-scale variations of sea medium investigations by remote acoustical tools, P.P.Shirshov Institute of Oceanology, Russian Academy of Sciences, ROO Oceanological Society,Report, 1997, RFBR, Grant 97-05-64225.
  6. Kuryanov B.F., Sabinin K.D., Stepin V.A., Derevnin V.A., Tilinin D.A., Morozov A.K. The middle-scale variations of the sea medium investigations by remote acoustical tools, P.P.Shirshov Institute of Оceanology of Russian Academy of Science, Report, 1999, RFBR, Grant 97-05-64225.
  7. Report of scientific group head on 25 voyage of scientific research vessel "Akademik M.A. Lavrentiev" Pacific ocean (Russian) 1995.
  8. Report of scientific group head on 9 voyage of scientific research vessel "Akademik Sergey Vavilov" Mediterranean sea. (Russian) 1994.
  9. Report of scientific group head on 8 voyage of scientific research vessel "Akademik Sergey Vavilov" Atlantic Ocean. (Russian) 1991.
  10. Report of scientific group head on 6 voyage of scientific research vessel "Akademik Sergey Vavilov" North Atlantic. (Russian) 1990.
  11. Report of scientific group head on 2 voyage of scientific research vessel "Akademik Sergey Vavilov" North Atlantic, Arctic Ocean. (Russian) 1988.
  12. Doroshenko. A. A., N. M. Budnev, A. I. Panfilov, A. G. Tchensky, A. K. Morozov, and A. N. Gavrilov. Development of the Method for Deployment of an Autonomous Source for Year-Round Acoustic Monitoring of the Arctic Ocean and the Acoustic Complex for Horizonal Location of an Autonomous Source and Communiction of the Navigation Data. MSIC Report, 1996.
  13. Gavrilov, A. N. and A. K. Morozov. Modeling of Acoustic Thermometry at the Transarctic Franz Victoria Strait - Lincoln Sea Path. Final Report, MSIC, April, 1997.
  14. Newhall A.E., Duda T.F., Von der Heydt, K. Irish J.D., Kemp J.N., Lerner S.A., Liberatore S.P., Lin Y.T., Lynch J.F., Maffei A.R., Morozov A.K., Shmelev A.A., Sellers C.J., Witzell W.E. Acoustic and Oceanographic Observations and Configuration Information for the WHOI Moorings from the SW06 Experiment, WHOI-2007-04 Woods Hole, 2007, 116 p.
  15. Sagen, H, Sandven, S, Fahrbach, E, Beszczynska-Möller, A, Klatt, O, Worcester, PF, Morozov, A AOEM deliverable D9 - Final report on design of the acoustic network for acoustic tomography, underwater navigation and passive listening in the Fram Strait, Nansen Environmental and Remote Sensing Center 02/2011.
  16. Sagen, H, Sandven, S, Haugen, SA, Worcester, PF, Beszczynska-Möller, A, Kemp, J, Morozov, A Design and specification of the ACOBAR acoustic array in the Fram Strait, Nansen Environmental and Remote Sensing Center, 06/2011.
  17. Abrahamsen, J, Fossan, K, Dzieciuch, MA, Green, L, Horwitt, D, Kemp, J, Morozov, A, Sagen, H, Sandven, S, Smerdon, A, Worcester, PF, DAMOCLES deliverable D8.2-02. Technically tested acoustic tomography source and one receiver array with acoustic modems and moorings, Nansen Environmental and Remote Sensing Center, 2007.
  18. Sandven, S, Sagen, H, Haugen, SA, Wåhlin, J, Lind, JS, Myking, S, Worcester, PF, Morozov, A, Hubbard, C, Smerdon, A, Abrahamsen, J, Bruserud, K, Johansen, K, Wieczorek, P, Beszczynska-Möller, A, Strothmann, O, Legoff, H, Hobæk, HH, Espinosa, R The Fram Strait tomography experiment 2008, Nansen Environmental and Remote Sensing Center, 2008.

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