Dr. Michael S. McCartney
Emeritus Research Scholar
Physical Oceanography
Contact Information:
Clark Lab
Mailing Address:
266 Woods Hole Road, MS #21
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Woods Hole, MA 02543
Research Interests
Descriptive physical oceanography: distribution and circulation paths and intensities of water masses, particularly those originating in the polar and subpolar zones;the potential effects of carbon dioxide-induced atmospheric warming on oceanic circulation and water mass formation; paleoceanography.
Ph.D., 1973, Fluid Dynamics, Case Western Reserve University. Thesis: An experimental and theoretical investigation of the edgetone phenomenon.
WHOI Summer Study Program, 1972
M.S., 1972, Fluid Dynamics, Case Western Reserve University. Thesis: An experimental investigation of the edgetone phenomenon.
B.S., 1970, Mechanical Engineering, Case Institute of Technology