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Fratantoni, P. S., and M. S. McCartney (2010), Freshwater export from the Labrador Current to the North Atlantic Current at the Tail of the Grand Banks of Newfoundland, Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers, 57, In Press. |
Kanzow, T., U. Send, M. S. McCartney (2008), On the variability of the deep meridional transports in the tropical North Atlantic, Deep-Sea Research Part I-Oceanographic Research Papers, 55(12), 1601-1623. |
McCartney, M. S., and K. A. Donohue (2007), A deep cyclonic gyre in the Australian-Antarctic Basin, Progress In Oceanography, 75(4), 675-750. |
J. W. Hurrell, M. Visbeck, A. Busalacchi, R. A. Clarke, T. L. Delworth, R. R. Dickson, W.E. Johns, K.P. Koltermann, Y. Kushnir, D. Marshall, C. Mauritzen, M. S. McCartney, A. Piola, C. Reason, G. Reverdin, F. Schott, R. Sutton, I. Wainer, D. Wright, 2006. Atlantic Climate Variability and Predictability: A CLIVAR perspective. Journal of Climate, 19(20), 5100-5121. |
Cohen A. L., S. R. Smith, M. S. McCartney, J. van Etten, 2004. How Brain Corals Record Climate: An Integration of Skeletal Structure, Growth and Chemistry in Diploria labyrinthiformis on Bermuda. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 271:147-158. |
Mauritzen, C., K. L. Polzin, M. S. McCartney, R. C. Millard, and D. E. West-Mack, 2002. Evidence in hydrography and density fine structure for enhanced vertical mixing over the Mid-Atlantic Ridge in the western Atlantic. Journal of Geophysical Research, 107, 10.1029/2001JC001114. |
Send, Uwe, Bob Weller, Stuart Cunningham, Charlie Eriksen, Tom Dickey, Masaki Kawabe, Roger Lukas, Mike McCartney and Svein Osterhus, 2001. Oceanographic Time series Observatories In: Observing the Ocean for Climate in the 21st Century, eds. C.J. Koblinsky and N.R. Smith, GODAE, Bureau of Meteorology, Australia, Melbourue, Australia, 376 390. |
Marshall, John, Yochanan Kushnir, David Battisti, Ping Chang, Arnaud Czaja, James Hurrell, Michael McCartney, Saravanan, and Martin Visbeck, 2001. Atlantic climate variablity. International Journal of Climatology, 21, 1863-1898. |
Curry, Ruth G., and Michael S. McCartney, 2001. Ocean gyre circulation change associated with the North Atlantic Oscillation. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 31(12), 3374-3400. |
McCartney, Michael S., and Cecilie Mauritzen, 2001. On the origin of the warm inflow to the Nordic Seas. Progress in Oceanography, 51, 125-214. |
Donohue, Kathleen A., Gwyneth E. Hufford and Michael S. McCartney, 1999. Sources and transport of the Deep Western Boundary Current east of the Kerguelen Plateau. Geophysical Research Letters, 26(7), 851-854. |
Paillet, Jérôme, Michel Arhan and Michael S. McCartney, 1998. Spreading of Labrador Sea Water in the eastern North Atlantic. Journal of Geophysical Research, 103, 10,223-10,239. |
Molinari, Robert L., Rana A. Fine, W. Douglas Wilson, Jeff Abell, Michael McCartney and Ruth Curry, 1998. The arrival of recently formed Labrador Sea water in the Deep Western Boundary Current at 26.5\degrees N. Geophysical Research Letters, 25(13), 2249-2252. |
Curry, Ruth G., Michael S. McCartney and Terrence M. Joyce, 1998. Oceanic transport of subpolar climate signals to mid-depth subtropical waters. Nature, 391, 575-577. |
Hufford, Gwyneth E., Michael S. McCartney and Kathy Donohue, 1997. Northern boundary currents and adjacent recirculations off southwestern Australia. Geophysical Research Letters, 24, 2797-2800. |
Hall, Melinda M., Michael S. McCartney and J. A. Whitehead, 1997. Antarctic Bottom Water flux in the equatorial western Atlantic. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 27(9), 1903-1926. |
McCartney, M. S., 1997. Is the Ocean at the Helm? Nature, 388, 521-522.
Coles, Victoria J., Michael S. McCartney, Donald B. Olson and William M. Smethie, Jr., 1996. Changes in Antarctic Bottom Water properties in the western South Atlantic in the late 1980s. Journal Geophysical Research, 101(C4), 8957-8970. |
Tsuchiya, Mizuki, Lynne D. Talley and Michael S. McCartney, 1994. Water-mass distributions in the western Atlantic; A section from South Georgia Island (54°S) northward across the equator. Journal of Marine Research, 52, 55-81. |
Friedrichs, Marjorie A. M., Michael S. McCartney and Melinda M. Hall, 1994. Hemispheric asymmetry of deep water transport modes in the Atlantic. Journal of Geophysical Research, 99(C12), 25,165-25,279. |
Lozier, Susan, Michael S. McCartney and W. Brechner Owens, 1994. Anomalous anomalies in averaged hydrographic data. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 24(12), 2624-2638. |
McCartney, M. S., 1993. Crossing of the equator by the deep western boundary current in the western Atlantic Ocean. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 23, 1953-1974. |
Luyten, J., M. S. McCartney, H. M. Stommel, R. Dickson and E. Gmitrowicz, 1993. On the sources of North Atlantic deep water. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 23, 1885-1892
McCartney, M. S., and R. A. Curry, 1993. Trans-equatorial flow of Antarctic Bottom Water in the Western Atlantic Ocean: abyssal geostrophy at the equator. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 23, 1264-1276. |
Schmitz, William J., and Michael S. McCartney, 1993. On the North Atlantic circulation. Reviews in Geophysics, 31, 29-49. |
McCartney, M. S., 1992. Recirculating components to the deep boundary current of the Northern North Atlantic. Progress in Oceanography, 29, 283-383. |
Tsuchiya, M., L. D. Talley, and M. S. McCartney, 1992. An eastern Atlantic section from Iceland southward across the equator. Deep-Sea Research, 39, 1885-1917. |
Speer, K. G., and M. S. McCartney, 1992. Bottom water circulation in the western North Atlantic. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 22(1), 83-92. |
Speer, Kevin G., and M. S. McCartney, 1991. Tracing lower North Atlantic Deep Water across the equator. Journal of Geophysical Research, 96(C11), 20,443-20,448. |
Richardson, P. L., M. S. McCartney, and C. Maillard, 1991. A search for Meddies in historical data. Dynamics of Atmospheres and Oceans, 15, 241-265. |
McCartney, M. S., and M. E. Woodgate-Jones, 1991. A deep-reaching anticyclonic eddy in the subtropical gyre of the eastern South Atlantic. Deep-Sea Research, 38, Supplement 1, S411-S443. |
McCartney, M. S., S. L. Bennett, and M. E. Woodgate-Jones, 1991. Eastward flow through the Mid-Atlantic Ridge at 11 N and its influence on the abyss of the eastern basin. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 21, 1089-1121. |
McCartney, M. S. and L. D. Talley, 1984. Warm-to-cold water conversion in the northern North Atlantic Ocean. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 14, 922-935. |
McCartney, Michael S., and Lynne D. Talley, 1982. The Subpolar Mode Water of the North Atlantic Ocean. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 12, 1169-1188. |
Schmitz, William J., Jr., and Michael S. McCartney, 1982. An example of long-term variability for subsurface current and hydrographic patterns in the western North Atlantic. Journal of Marine Research. Supplement to 40, 707-726. |
Talley, L. D., and M. S. McCartney, 1982. Distribution and circulation of Labrador Sea Water. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 12, 1189-1205. |
McCartney, Michael S., 1982. The subtropical recirculation of Mode Waters. Journal of Marine Research, Supplement to 40, 427-464. |
McCartney, Michael S., L. Valentine Worthington and Mary E. Raymer, 1980. Anomalous water mass distributions at 55W in the North Atlantic in 1977. Journal of Marine Research, 38 (1), 147-172.
McCartney, M. S., L. V. Worthington and W. J. Schmitz, Jr., 1978. Large cyclonic rings from the northeast Sargasso Sea. Journal of Geophysical Research, 83(C2), 901-914. |
McCartney, M. S., 1977. Subantarctic Mode Water. In: A Voyage of Discovery: George Deacon 70th Anniversary Volume, M. V. Angel, editor, Supplement to Deep-Sea Research, Pergamon Press, Oxford, pp. 103-119. |
McCartney, M. S., 1976. The interaction of zonal currents with topography with applications to the Southern Ocean. Deep-Sea Research, 23, 413-427. |
McCartney, M. S., 1975. Inertial Taylor columns on a beta-plane. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 68, Part 1, 71-95. |
Selected Non-refereed Publications
McCartney, Michael S., and Ruth Curry, 1998. Research reveals interdecadal North Atlantic atmosphere ocean oscillation. Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution 1998 Annual Report, pp. 24-25. |
McCartney, Michael, Kathy Donohue, Ruth Curry, C. Mauritzen, and Sheldon Bacon, 1998. Did the Overflow from the Nordic Seas Intensify in 1996-1997? International WOCE Newsletter, 31, 3-7, 23. |
Hufford, G. E., and M. S. McCartney, 1997. Deep circulation southwest of Australia. International WOCE Newsletter, 25, 24, 31-35. |
McCartney, Michael S., 1997. The North Atlantic Atmosphere-Ocean Oscillation U.S. WOCE Report, 9, 55-60. |
McCartney, Michael S., R. G. Curry, and H. Bezdek, 1997. The Interdecadal Warming and Cooling of Labrador Sea Water. ACCP Notes, IV(1). |
McCartney Michael S., 1996. Oceans & Climate. Oceanus, 39(2), 2-3. |
Cohen, Anne L. and Michael S. McCartney, 1996. Seasonally-Resolved Records of Surface Ocean Conditions in Brain Coral from Bermuda. Proceedings from the Atlantic Climate Variability Meeting, 16-23. |
McCartney, M. S. and R. G. Curry, 1996. The Mid-latitude formation of Lower North Atlantic Deep Water. The Atlantic Climate Change Program: Proceedings from the Principal Investigators Meeting, May 14-16, 1996, 121-124. |
Curry, R. G. and M. S. McCartney, 1996. Links between subtropical mid-depth warming/cooling patterns and variations in convection intensity in the subpolar Labrador Sea. The Atlantic Climate Change Program: Proceedings from the Principal Investigators Meeting, May 14-16, 1996, 16-23. |
McCartney Michael S., Ruth G. Curry, and Hugo F. Bezdek, 1996. Norht Atlantic's Transformation Pipeline Chills and Redistributes Subtropical Water. Oceanus, 39(2), 19-23. |
Curry, Ruth G. and Michael S. McCartney, 1996. Labador Sea Water Carries Northern Climate Signal South. Oceanus, 39(2), 24-28. |
Hall, M.M., J.A. Whitehead, M. S. McCartney, 1994. Moored Measurements of Artic Bottom Water at the Equator. International WOCE Newsletter, 17, 5-8. |
McCartney, M. S. and M. O. Baringer, 1993. Notes on the S. Pacific hydrographic section near 32 S WHP P6. U.S. WOCE Notes, 5(2), 7 p. |
McCartney, M. S., 1992. Aspects of the observed deep circulation of the Atlantic Ocean. The Atlantic Climate Change Program, Proceedings from the Principal Investigators Meeting, University of Miami, March 9 11, 1992; NOAA Climate and Global Change Program Special Report Number 7, 157 161. |