NENIMF is run day to day by a staff of five consisting of Senior Scientist, three Analysts, and Administrator. They are in charge of daily operational matters, maintenance and renovation of the instruments, and development and improvement of analytical protocols. NENIMF personnel also are responsible for helping and training users.
In order to make management and operation of the facility satisfactory to the community of scientists in a broad spectrum of Earth and Ocean Sciences, the NENIMF Staff works closely with the WHOI Director of Research, the Internal Advisory Committee, and the External Advisory Committee. The External Advisory Committee consists of representatives of members of other institutions and representatives of the SIMS technical and user community. They provide advice to the NENIMF Director and the WHOI Director of Research on management/operation of the facility as well as on technical matters.
External Advisory Committee |

Glenn Gaetani
NENIMF Director
Associate Scientist with Tenure
Research Interests
Experimental phase equilibrium and kinetic studies of geologic materials; effects of volatiles on magmatic processes; connectivity and mobility of melts and fluids in mantle rock; structure and thermodynamic properties of silicate melts; thermodynamic and crystal-chemical controls on trace element partitioning; petrology and geochemistry of the upper mantle; early evolution of terrestrial planets.
Lab Website
Phone: (508) 289-3724