MICADAS Workshop
September 16-17, 2024
You are cordially invited to attend a 2-day workshop on the MICADAS, September 16-17, 2024. The workshop is being organized by the University of California – Irvine, Yale University, and the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution and will be held on the Woods Hole campus. The goal of the workshop is to discuss MICADAS standard best practices, share experiences in optimizing MICADAS performance, and identify a collective path toward improvements. The format of meeting will be morning sessions for presentations with afternoons reserved for break out into smaller working groups to for specific items/topics. Morning sessions will have the option of being virtual, while afternoons will be in-person.
For more details, please contact one of the organizers below:
Guaciara dos Santos (UC-Irvine) gdossant@uci.edu
Claudia Czimczik (UC-Irvine) czimczik@uci.edu
Brad Erkkila (Yale University) brad.erkkila@yale.edu
Susan Q. Lang (WHOI) sqlang@whoi.edu
Mark Roberts (WHOI) mroberts@whoi.edu
The workshop is free to attend, but attendees are responsible for their own transportation to Woods Hole, lodging, and meals.

Local Information
The workshop will be held on the Quissett Campus, WHOI.
Directions to WHOI
Directions to WHOI can be found here: https://www.whoi.edu/who-we-are/visit-whoi/directions/
For those not arriving by auto, Peter Pan Bus Lines (https://peterpanbus.com/) offers direct bus service from Boston Logan International airport to Falmouth. The Falmouth bus station is a short, ~ 3 min walk to the Inn on the Square. We will provide transportation from Inn on the Square to WHOI.
A block of rooms has been reserved at the Inn on the Square. Please book online (https://reservations.travelclick.com/17716?groupID=4396276) or call them directly at 1-888-744-5394 no later than August 14, 2024, and mention our group booking reference, WHOI - MICADAS, to secure your room at the rate of $159.00/night plus tax for single occupancy. The rooms are blocked at that rate for September 15th, 16th and 17th only.
Inn on the Square
40 North Main Street
Falmouth, MA 02540
Transportation from hotel to WHOI
We will help coordinate everyone getting between the hotel and WHOI.