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NOSAMS > Radiocarbon Services > Fees > Fee Estimate Calculator

Fee Estimate Calculator

Fees estimated using this calculator should match exactly those which will ultimately be assessed. However, the fees actually assessed will reflect the procedures actually employed. Until the analysis have been completed, there is always a chance the actual procedures will differ from those envisioned in preparation of any estimates. Analyses are invoiced after results are reported.

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Organic carbon with pretreatmentRequires pretreatment to remove inorganic carbon and/or base-soluble organic acids such as fulvic or humic acid e.g. charcoal, peat, sediments, etc.
Organic carbon, no pretreatmentRequires no pretreatment prior to combustion. Considered "ready to burn."
δ13 C analysisRefers to stable isotope measurement of a 10% split of the CO2 generated from the sample.  This is not required for AMS analysis but offered as an ancillary measurement.
Small Sample PreparationAdditional fee for handling samples with an extracted carbon mass of 25-100 micrograms (2-8 micromoles) pure carbon. Greater than 100 micrograms (8 umols) C is considered a regular sample size.