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1. Elgar, Steve, R.T. Guza, and R.J. Seymour, 1984. Groups of waves in shallow water, J. Geophysical Research 89, 3623-3634.

2. Elgar, Steve, R.T. Guza, and R.J. Seymour, 1985. Wave group statistics from numerical simulations of a random sea, Applied Ocean Research, 7, 93-96.

3. Elgar, Steve, and R.T. Guza, 1985. Shoaling gravity waves: A comparison between data, linear finite depth theory and a nonlinear model, J. Fluid Mechanics 158, 47-70.

4. Elgar, Steve, and R.T. Guza, 1985. Observations of bispectra of shoaling surface gravity waves, J. Fluid Mechanics 161, 425-448.

5. Elgar, Steve, and R.T. Guza, 1986. Nonlinear model predictions of bispectra of shoaling surface gravity waves, J. Fluid Mechanics 167, 1-18.

6. Elgar, Steve, 1987. Bias of estimates of effective degrees of freedom of a spectrum, ASCE J. Waterway, Port, Coastal, and Ocean Engineering 113, 77-82.

7. Elgar, Steve, 1987. Relationships involving third moments and bispectra of a harmonic process, IEEE Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing 35, 1725-1726.

8. Elgar, Judi, and Steve Elgar, 1988. Kelvin Helmholtz instability in the atmosphere, Eos (COVER) 69, 171.

9. Elgar, Steve, and R.T. Guza, 1988. Statistics of bicoherence, IEEE Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing 36, 1667-1668.

10. Elgar, Steve, 1988. Comment on 'Fourier transform filtering: A cautionary note,' by A.M.G. Forbes, J. Geophysical Research 93, 15755-15756.

11. Elgar, Steve, R.T. Guza, and M.H. Freilich, 1988. Eulerian measurements of horizontal accelerations in shoaling gravity waves, J. Geophysical Research 93, 9261-9269.

12. Elgar, Steve, and G. Mayer-Kress, 1989. Observations of the fractal dimension of deep- and shallow-water ocean waves, Physica D37, 104-108.

13. Elgar, Steve, C.W. Van Atta, and M. Gharib, 1989. Bispectral analysis of ordered and chaotic vortex shedding from vibrating cylinders, Physica D39, 281-286.

14. Elgar, Steve, and Gloria Sebert, 1989. Statistics of bicoherence and biphase, J. Geophysical Research 94 10993-10998.

15. Elgar, Steve, C.W. Van Atta, and M. Gharib, 1990. Cross-bispectral analysis of the coupling between a vibrating cylinder and its wake in low Reynolds number flow, J. Fluids and Structures 4, 59-71.

16. Mitchell, K., L. James, Steve Elgar, and M. Pitts, 1990. Characterizing cyclic water level fluctuations in irrigation canals, ASCE J. Irrigation and Drainage 116, 261-272.

17. Elgar, Steve, M.H. Freilich, and R.T. Guza, 1990. Recurrence in truncated Boussinesq models for nonlinear waves in shallow water, J. Geophysical Research 95, 11547-11556.

18. Pezeshki, C., Steve Elgar, and R.C. Krishna, 1990. Bispectral analysis of systems possessing chaotic motion, J. Sound & Vibration 137, 357-368.

19. Freilich, M.H., R.T. Guza, and Steve Elgar, 1990. Observations of nonlinear effects in directional spectra of shoaling surface gravity waves, J. Geophysical Research 95, 9645-9656.

20. Elgar, Steve, M.H. Freilich, and R.T. Guza, 1990. Model-data comparisons of moments of nonbreaking shoaling surface gravity waves, J. Geophysical Research 95, 16055-16063.

21. Chandran, V. and Steve Elgar, 1990. Bispectral analysis of 2-D random processes, IEEE Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing 38, 2181-2186.

22. Pezeshki, C. Steve, Elgar, and R.C. Krishna, 1991. An examination of multi-frequency excitation of the buckled beam, J. Sound & Vibration 148, 1-9.

23. Pezeshki, C. W.H. Miles, and Steve Elgar, 1991. Signal Processing for nonlinear structral dynamical systems, ASME Applied Mechanics Reviews 44, S214-S218.

24. Chandran, V. and Steve Elgar, 1991. Mean and variance of estimates of the bispectrum of a harmonic random process: An analysis including effects of spectral leakage, IEEE Signal Processing 39, 2640-2651.

25. Hagelberg, Teresa, Nick Pisias, and Steve Elgar, 1991. Linear and nonlinear coupling between orbital forcing and the marine record during the late Neogene, Paleoceanography 6, 729-746.

26. Elgar, Steve, R.T. Guza, M.H. Freilich, and M. Briggs, 1992. Laboratory simulations of directionally spread shoaling waves, ASCE J. Waterway, Port, Coastal, and Ocean Engineering 118, 87-103.

27. Wallerstein, G. and Steve Elgar, 1992. Shockwaves in stellar atmospheres and breaking waves on an ocean beach, Science 256, 1531-1536.

28. Elgar, Steve, R.T. Guza, and M.H. Freilich, 1992. Dispersion, nonlinearity, and viscosity in shallow-water waves: Model results and laboratory comparisons, ASCE J. Waterway, Port, Coastal, and Ocean Engineering 119, 351-366.

29. Pezeshki, C., Steve Elgar, R.C. Krishna, and T.D. Burton, 1992. Auto- and cross-bispectral analysis of a system of two coupled oscillators with quadratic nonlinearities possessing chaotic motion, J. Applied Mechanics 59, 657-663.

30. Miles, W.H., C. Pezeshki, and Steve Elgar, 1992. Bispectral analysis of a fluid elastic system: The cantilevered pipe, J. Fluids and Structures 6, 633-640.

31. Elgar, Steve, T.H.C. Herbers, M. Okihiro, J. Oltman-Shay, and R.T. Guza, 1992. Observations of infragravity waves, J. Geophysical Research 97, 15573-15577.

32. Chandran, V. and Steve Elgar, 1993. Pattern recognition using invariants defined from higher-order spectra: One-dimensional inputs, IEEE Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing 41, 205-212.

33. Liu, Z., Steve Elgar, and R.T. Guza, 1993. Groups of ocean waves: Comparisons between linear theory, approximations to linear theory, and observations, ASCE J. Waterway, Port, Coastal, and Ocean Engineering 119, 144-159.

34. Elgar, Steve, and M.P. Kennedy, 1993. Bispectral analysis of Chua's circuit, J. Circuits, Systems, and Computers 3, 33-48. (Reprinted in Chua's Circuit: A Paradigm for Chaos, Ed R. Madan, Series on Nonlinear Science, Series B, Vol 1, 892-907, World Scientific, Singapore, 1993.)

35. Chandran, V., Steve Elgar, and C. Pezeshki, 1993. Bispectral and trispectral characterization of transition to chaos in the Duffing oscillator, International J. Bifurcation and Chaos 3, 551-557.

36. Elgar, Steve and Vinod Chandran, 1993 .Higher-order spectral analysis to detect nonlinear interactions in measured time series and an application to Chua's circuit, International J. Bifurcation and Chaos 3, 19-34.

37. Elgar, Steve, R.T. Guza, and M.H. Freilich, 1993. Observations of nonlinear interactions in directionally spread shoaling surface gravity waves, J. Geophysical Research 98, 20299-20305.

38. Elgar, Steve and Vinod Chandran, 1993. Higher-order spectral analysis of Chua's circuit, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems 40, 689-692.

39. Elgar, Steve and J. Kadtke, 1993. Paleoclimatic attractors: New data, further analysis, International J. Bifurcation and Chaos 3, 1587-1590.

40. Chandran, V. and Steve Elgar, 1994. A general procedure for the derivation of principal domains of higher-order spectra, IEEE Signal Processing 42, 229-233.

41. Chandran, V. Steve Elgar, and B. Vanhoff, 1994. Statistics of tricoherence, IEEE Signal Processing 42, 3430-3440.

42. Herbers, T.H.C., Steve Elgar, and R.T. Guza, 1994. Infragravity-frequency (0.005-0.05 Hz) motions on the shelf, Part I: Local nonlinear forcing by surface waves, J. Physical Oceanography 24, 917-927.

43. Elgar, Steve, T.H.C. Herbers, and R.T. Guza, 1994. Reflection of ocean surface gravity waves from a natural beach, J. Physical Oceanography 24, 1503-1511.

44. Herbers, T.H.C., Steve Elgar, R.T. Guza, and W.C. O'Reilly, 1995. Infragravity-frequency (0.005-0.05 Hz) motions on the shelf, Part II: Free waves, J. Physical Oceanography 25, 1063-1079.

45. Elgar, Steve, T.H.C. Herbers, V. Chandran, and R.T. Guza, 1995. Higher-order spectral analysis of nonlinear ocean surface gravity waves, J. Geophysical Research 100, 4977-4983.

46. Raubenheimer, B., R.T. Guza, Steve Elgar, and N. Kobayashi, 1995. Swash on a gently sloping beach, J. Geophysical Research 100, 8751-8760.

47. Herbers, T.H.C., Steve Elgar, and R.T. Guza, 1995. Generation and propagation of infragravity waves, J. Geophysical Research 100, 24863-24872.

48. Gallagher, E., W. Boyd, Steve Elgar, R.T. Guza, and B.T. Woodward, 1996. Performance of a sonar altimeter in the nearshore, Marine Geology 133, 241-248.

49. Raubenheimer, B., R.T. Guza, and Steve Elgar, 1996. Wave transformation in the inner surf zone, J. Geophysical Research 101, 25589-25597.

50. Chandran, V., B. Carswell, B. Boashash, and Steve Elgar, 1997. Pattern recognition using invariants defined from higher-order spectra -- two-dimentional inputs, IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 6, 703-712.

51. Vanhoff, B. and Steve Elgar, 1997. Simulating quadratically nonlinear random processes, International J. Bifurcation and Chaos 7, 1367-1374.

52. Vanhoff, B. Steve Elgar, and R.T. Guza, 1997. Numerically simulating nonGaussian sea surfaces, ASCE J. Waterway, Port, Coastal, and Ocean Engineering 123, 68-72.

53. Elgar, Steve, R.T. Guza, B. Raubenheimer, T.H.C. Herbers, and Edith Gallagher, 1997. Spectral evolution of shoaling and breaking waves on a barred beach, J. Geophysical Research 102, 15797-15805.

54. Chen, Yongze, R.T. Guza, and Steve Elgar, 1997. Modeling spectra of breaking surface waves in shallow water, J. Geophysical Research 102, 25035-25046.

55. Gallagher, Edith, Steve Elgar, and R.T. Guza, 1998. Observations of sand bar evolution on a natural beach, J. Geophysical Research 103, 3203-3215.

56. Raubenheimer, B. Steve Elgar, and R.T. Guza, 1998. Estimating wave heights from pressure measured in a sand bed, ASCE J. Waterway, Port, Coastal, and Ocean Engineering 124, 151-154.

57. Feddersen, F., R.T. Guza, Steve Elgar, and T.H.C. Herbers, 1998. Alongshore momentum balances in the nearshore, J. Geophysical Research 103, 15667-15676.

58. Norheim, C., T.H.C Herbers, and Steve Elgar, 1998. Nonlinear evolution of surface wave spectra on a beach, J. Physical Oceanography 28, 1534-1551.

59. Gallagher, Edith, Steve Elgar, and E.B. Thornton, 1998. Megaripple migration in a natural surfzone, Nature 394, 165-168.

60. Elgar, Steve, B. Vanhoff, L. Aquirre, U. Freitas, and V. Chandran, 1998. Higher-order spectra of nonlinear polynomial models for Chua's circuit, International J. Bifurcation and Chaos 8, 2425-2431.

61. Herbers, T.H.C., Steve Elgar, and R.T. Guza, 1999. Directional spreading of waves in the nearshore, J. Geophysical Research 104, 7683-7693.

62. Lentz, Steve, R.T. Guza, Steve Elgar, Falk Feddersen, and T.H.C. Herbers, 1999. Momentum balances on the North Carolina inner shelf, J. Geophysical Research, 104, 18205-18226.

63. Raubenheimer, B. R.T. Guza, and Steve Elgar, 1999. Tidal watertable fluctuations in a sandy ocean beach, Water Resources Research 35, 2313-2320.

64. Herbers, T.H.C., N.R. Russnogle, and Steve Elgar, 2000. Spectral energy balance of breaking waves within the surf zone, J. Physical Oceanography 30, 2723-2737.

65. Feddersen, Falk, R.T. Guza, Steve Elgar, and T.H.C. Herbers, 2000. Velocity moments in alongshore bottom stress parameterizations, J. Geophysical Research 105, 8673-8686.

66. Elgar, Steve, R.T. Guza, W.C. O'Reilly, B. Raubenheimer, and T.H.C. Herbers, 2001. Wave energy and direction observed near a pier, ASCE J. Waterway, Port, Coastal, and Ocean Engineering 127, 2-6.

67. Elgar, Steve, Edith Gallagher, and R.T. Guza, 2001. Nearshore sand bar migration, J. Geophysical Research 106, 11623-11627.

68. Elgar, Steve, 2001. Coastal profile evolution at Duck, North Carolina: A cautionary note, J. Geophysical Research 106, 4625-4627.

69. Raubenheimer, B., R.T. Guza, and Steve Elgar, 2001. Field observations of wave-driven setdown and setup, J. Geophysical Research 106, 4629-4638.

70. Elgar, Steve, B. Raubenheimer, and R.T. Guza, 2001. Current meter performance in the surfzone, J. Atmospheric & Oceanic Technology 18, 1735-1746.

71. Trowbridge, J. and Steve Elgar, 2001. Turbulence measurements in the surfzone, J. Physical Oceanography 31, 2403-2417.

72. Ruessink, G., J. Miles, F. Feddersen, R.T. Guza, and Steve Elgar, 2001. Modeling the alongshore current on barred beaches, J. Geophysical Research 106, 22451-22463. 

73. Herbers, T.H.C., Steve Elgar, N.A. Sarap, and R.T. Guza, 2002. Nonlinear dispersion of surface gravity waves in shallow water, J. Physical Oceanography 32, 1181-1193.

74. Noyes, T. James, R.T. Guza, Steve Elgar, and T.H.C. Herbers, 2002. Comparison of methods for estimating nearshore shear wave variance, J. Atmospheric & Oceanic Technology 19, 136-143.

75. Chandran, V., Steve Elgar, and A. Nguyen, 2002. Detection of mines in acoustic images using higher-order spectral features, IEEE J. Oceanic Engineering 27, 610-618.

76. Sheremet, A., R.T. Guza, Steve Elgar, and T.H.C. Herbers, 2002. Observations of nearshore infragravity waves: Part 1: Seaward and shoreward propagating components, J. Geophysical Research 107, 3095, doi: 10.1029/2001JC000970.

77. Schmidt, W.E., B.T. Woodward, K.S. Millikan, R.T. Guza, B. Raubenheimer, and Steve Elgar, 2003. A GPS-tracked surfzone drifter, J. Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology 20 1069-1075.

78. Trowbridge, J. and Steve Elgar, 2003. Spatial scales of stress-carrying nearshore turbulence, J. Physical Oceanography 33,1122-1128.

79. Herbers, T.H.C., Mark Orzech, Steve Elgar, and R.T. Guza, 2003. Shoaling transformation of wave frequency-directional spectra, J. Geophysical Research 108, 3013, doi: 10.1029/2001JC001304.

80. Feddersen, F., E.L. Gallagher, R.T. Guza, and Steve Elgar, 2003. The drag coefficient, bottom roughness, and wave breaking in the nearshore, Coastal Engineering 48, 189-195.

81. Lentz, S., Steve Elgar, and R.T. Guza, 2003. Observations of the flow field near the nose of a buoyant coastal current, J. Physical Oceanography 33, 933-943.

82. Coco, Giovanni, T.K. Burnett, B.T. Werner, and Steve Elgar, 2003. Test of self-organization in beach cusp formation, J. Geophysical Research 108, 3101, doi: 10.1029/2002JC001496.

83. Elgar, Steve, B. Raubenheimer, T.H.C. Herbers, 2003. Bragg reflection of ocean waves from sandbars, Geophysical Research Letters 30, 1016, doi:10.1029/2002GL016351.

84. Hoefel, Fernanda and Steve Elgar, 2003. Wave-induced sediment transport and sandbar migration, Science 299, 1885-1887.

85. Noyes, T., James, R.T. Guza, Steve Elgar, and T.H.C. Herbers, 2004. Field observations of shear waves in the surf zone, J. Geophysical Research 109, doi:10.1029/2002JC001761.

86. Raubenheimer, B., Steve Elgar, and R.T. Guza, 2004. Observations of swashzone velocities: A note on friction coefficients, J. Geophysical Research 109, 1027, doi:10.1029/2003JC001877.

87. Feddersen, F., R.T. Guza, and Steve Elgar, 2004. Inverse modeling of the one-dimensional setup and alongshore current in the nearshore, J. Physical Oceanography 34, 920-933.

88. Coco, Giovanni, T.K. Burnett, B.T. Werner, and Steve Elgar, 2004. The role of tides in beach cusp development, J. Geophysical Research 109, 4011, doi:10.1029/2003JC002154.

89. Ciriano, Yolanda, Giovanni Coco, K.R. Bryan, and Steve Elgar, 2005. Field observations of swash zone infragravity motions and beach cusp formation, J. Geophysical Research 110, 2018, doi:10.1029/2004JC002485.

90. Gallagher, Edith, Steve Elgar, R.T. Guza, and E.B. Thornton, 2005. Estimating nearshore bedform amplitudes with altimeters, Marine Geology 16, 51-57, doi:10.1016/j.margeo.2005.01.005.

91. Seymour, Richard, R.T. Guza, William O'Reilly, and Steve Elgar, 2005. Rapid erosion of a small Southern California beach fill, Coastal Engineering 52, 151-158.

92. Noyes, T. James, R.T. Guza, F. Feddersen, Steve Elgar, and T.H.C. Herbers, 2005. Model-data comparisons of shear waves in the nearshore, J. Geophysical Research 110, C05019, doi:10.1029/2004JC002541.

93. Elgar, Steve, B. Raubenheimer, and R.T. Guza, 2005 (COVER). Quality control of acoustic Doppler velocimeter data in the surfzone, Measurement Science and Technology 16, 1889-1893.

94. Thomson, Jim, Steve Elgar, and T.H.C. Herbers, 2005. Reflection and tunneling of ocean waves observed at the submarine canyon, Geophysical Research Letters 32, L10602, doi:10.1029/2005GL022834.

95. Henderson, Stephen, R.T. Guza, Steve Elgar, and T.H.C. Herbers, 2006. Refraction of surface gravity waves by shear waves, J. Physical Oceanography 36, 629-635.

96. Farquharson, G., S.J. Frasier, B. Raubenheimer, and Steve Elgar, 2005. Microwave radar cross sections and Doppler velocities measured in the surf zone, J. Geophysical Research 110, doi:1029/2005JC003022.

97. Hsu, T.-J., Steve Elgar, and R.T. Guza, 2006. Wave-induced sediment transport and onshore sandbar migration, Coastal Engineering 53, 817-824.

98. Thomson, Jim, Steve Elgar, T.H.C. Herbers, Britt Raubenheimer, and R.T. Guza, 2006. Tidal modulation of infragravity waves via nonlinear energy losses in the surfzone, Geophysical Research Letters 33, L05601, doi:10.1029/2005GL025514.

99. Henderson, Stephen, R.T. Guza, Steve Elgar, T.H.C. Herbers, and A.J. Bowen, 2006. Nonlinear generation and loss of infragravity wave energy, J. Geophysical Research 111, C12007, doi:10.1029/2006JC003539.

100. Apotsos, Alex, Britt Raubenheimer, Steve Elgar, R.T. Guza, and Jerry Smith, 2007. The effects of wave rollers and bottom stress on setup, J. Geophysical Research 112, C02003, doi:10.1029/2006JC003549.

101. Thomson, Jim, Steve Elgar, T.H.C. Herbers, Britt Raubenheimer, and R.T. Guza, 2007. Refraction and reflection of infragravity waves near submarine canyons, J. Geophysical Research 112, C10009, doi:10.1029/2007JC004227.

102. Apotsos, Alex, Britt Raubenheimer, Steve Elgar, and R.T. Guza, 2008. Testing and calibrating parametric wave transformation models on natural beaches, Coastal Engineering 55, 224-235.

103. Apotsos, Alex, Britt Raubenheimer, Steve Elgar, and R.T. Guza, 2008. Wave-driven setup and alongshore flows observed onshore of a submarine canyon, J. Geophysical Research 113, C07025, doi:10.1029/2007JC004514.

104. Elgar, Steve and Britt Raubenheimer, 2008. Wave dissipation by muddy seafloors, Geophysical Research Letters, L07611, doi:10.1029/2008GL033245.

105. Falchetti, Sylvia, Daniel Conley, Maurizio Brocchini, and Steve Elgar, 2010. Nearshore bar migration and sediment-induced buoyancy effects, Continental Shelf Research 30, 226-238.

106. Elgar, Steve and Britt Raubenheimer, 2010. Currents in a small channel on a sandy tidal flat, Continental Shelf Research 31, 9-14.

107. Gorrell, L., B. Raubenheimer, Steve Elgar, R.T. Guza, 2011. SWAN predictions of waves observed in shallow water onshore of complex bathymetry, Coastal Engineering 58, 510-516.

108. Gast, R., L. Gorrell, B. Raubenheimer, S. Elgar, 2011. Impact of erosion and accretion on the distribution of enterococci in beach sands, Continental Shelf Research 31, 1457-1461.

109. Raubenheimer, Britt, D. Ralston, Steve Elgar, D. Giffen, and R. Signell, 2012. Winds on the Skagit tidal flats, Continental Shelf Research, doi:10.1016/j.csr.2012.02.001.

110. Elgar, Steve, Britt Raubenheimer, Jim Thomson, and Melissa Moulton, 2012. Resonances in an evolving hole in the swash zone, J. Waterway, Port, Coastal, and Ocean Engineering 138, 299-302.

111. Pavel, V., Britt Raubenheimer, and Steve Elgar, 2012. Processes controlling stratification on the northern Skagit Bay tidal flats, Continental Shelf Research,

112. Englestad, Anita, T. Janssen, T.H.C. Herbers, G. van Vledder, Steve Elgar, Britt Raubenheimer, Lincoln Trainer, and Ana Garcia-Garcia, 2012. Wave evolution across the Louisiana shelf, Continental Shelf Research 52, 190-202.

113. Clark, David, Steve Elgar, and Britt Raubenheimer, 2012 (COVER). Vorticity generation by short-crested wave breaking, Geophysical Research Letters 39, L24604, doi:10.1029/2012GL054034.

114. Moulton, Melissa, Steve Elgar, and Britt Raubenheimer, 2014. Improving the time resolution of surfzone bathymetry using in situ altimeters, Ocean Dynamics, 64 (5), 755-770.

115. Wargula, Anna, Britt Raubenheimer, and Steve Elgar, 2014. Wave-driven along-channel subtidal flows in a well-mixed ocean inlet, J. Geophysical Research, 119, doi:10.1002/2014JC009839.

116. Orescanin, Mara, Britt Raubenheimer, and Steve Elgar, 2014. Observations of wave effects on inlet circulation, Continental Shelf Research 82, 37-42.

117. MacMahan, Jamie, Jacobus van de Kreeke, Ad Reniers, Steve Elgar, Britt Raubenheimer, Ed Thornton, Micah Weltmer, Patrick Rynne, Jenna Brown, 2014. Fortnightly tides and subtidal motions in a choked inlet, Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science.

118. Moulton, Melissa, Steve Elgar, and Britt Raubenheimer, 2014. A surfzone morphological diffusivity estimated from the evolution of excavated holes, Geophysical Research Letters 41, doi:10.1002/2014GL060519.

119. Gast, Rebecca, Steve Elgar, Britt Raubenheimer, 2015. Observations of transport of bacterial-like microspheres through beach sand, Continental Shelf Research, 97, 1-6.

120. Hansen, Jeff, Britt Raubenheimer, Jeffrey H. List, Steve Elgar, 2015. Modeled alongshore circulation and force balances onshore of a submarine canyon, J. Geophysical Research: Oceans, 120, doi: 10.1002/2014JC010555.

121. Diaz Mendez, Guillermo, Merrick C. Haller, Britt Raubenheimer, Steve Elgar, David Honegger, 2015. Radar Remote Sensing Estimates of Waves and Wave Forcing at a Tidal Inlet, J. Atmospheric & Oceanic Technology, 32, 842-854.

122. Goncharenko, Yuriy, Gordon Farquharson, Fengyan Shi, Britt Raubenheimer, Steve Elgar, 2015. Estimation of Shallow-Water Breaking-Wave Height from Synthetic Aperture Radar, IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters.

123. Chen, Jia-Lin, Tian-Jian Hsu, Fengyan Shi, Britt Raubenheimer, Steve Elgar, 2015. Hydrodynamic and sediment transport modeling of New River Inlet (NC) under the interaction of tides and waves, J. Geophysical Research Oceans, 4028-4047, doi:10.1002/2014JC010425.

124. Spydell, Matthew S., Falk Feddersen, Maitane Olabarrieta, Jialin Chen, R.T. Guza, Britt Raubenheimer, Steve Elgar, 2015. Observed and modeled drifters at a tidal inlet, J. Geophysical Research Oceans, 120, doi:10.1002/2014JC010541.

125. Brodie, K.L., B. Raubenheimer, S. Elgar, R.K. Slocum, J.E. McNinch, 2015. Lidar and Pressure Measurements of Inner-Surfzone Waves and Setup,  J. Atmospheric & Oceanic Technology, 32, 1945-1959.

126. Hopkins, Julia, Steve Elgar, and Britt Raubenheimer, 2015. Observations and model simulations of wave-current interaction on the inner shelf, J. Geophysical Research 121, 198-208, doi/ 10.1002/2015JC010788.

127. Orescanin, Mara, Steve Elgar, and Britt Raubenheimer, 2016. Changes in bay circulation in an evolving multiple inlet system, Continental Shelf Research, 124, 13-22.

128. Feddersen, Falk, Maitane Olabarrieta, R.T. Guza, D. Winters, Britt Raubenheimer, and Steve Elgar, 2016. Observations and modeling of a tidal inlet dye tracer plume, J. Geophysical Research Oceans, 121, doi: 10.1002/2016JC011922.

129. Hopkins, Julia, Steve Elgar, and Britt Raubenheimer, 2017. Flow separation effects on shoreline sediment transport, Coastal Engineering 125, 23-27.

130. Slivinski, L.C., L.J. Pratt, I.I. Rypina, M.M. Orescanin, B. Raubenheimer, J. MacMahan, S. Elgar, 2017. Assimilating Lagrangian data for parameter estimation in a multiple-inlet system, Ocean Modelling 113, 131-144.

131. Moulton, M., S. Elgar, B. Raubenheimer, J.C. Warner, N. Kumar, 2017. Rip currents and alongshore flows in single channels dredged in the surf zone, J. Geophysical Research Oceans, 122, doi: 10.1002/2016JC012222.

132. Hansen, J., B. Raubenheimer, S. Elgar, J. List, T. Lippmann, 2017. Physical linkages between an offshore canyon and surf zone morphologic change, J. Geophysical Research Oceans, 122, doi: 10.1002/2016JC012319.

133. Orescanin, M., Elgar, S., Raubenheimer, B., Gorrell, L., 2017. Effects of a shallow flood shoal and friction on hydrodynamics of a multiple-inlet system, J. Geophysical Research Oceans, 122, doi:10.1002/2016JC012502.

134. Moulton, M., Dusek, G., Elgar, S., Raubenheimer, B., 2017. Comparison of rip current hazard likelihood forecasts with observed rip current speeds, Weather and Forecasting, 32, doi: 10.1175/WAF-D-17-0076.1.

135. Brodie, Katherine, Margaret Palmsten, Tyler J. Hesser, Patrick J. Dickhudt, Britt Raubenheimer, Hannah Ladner, Steve Elgar, 2018.  Evaluation of video-based linear depth inversion performance and applications using altimeters and hydrographic surveys in a wide range of environmental conditions, Coastal Engineering, 136, 147-160.

136. Wargula, Anna, Britt Raubenheimer, Steve Elgar, 2018. Curvature- and Wind-Driven Cross-Channel Flows at an Unstratified Tidal Bend, Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 123, doi: 10.1029/2017JC013722.

137. Hopkins, Julia, Steve Elgar, Britt Raubenheimer, 2018. Storm Impact on Morphological Evolution of a Sandy Inlet, Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 123, 5751-5762, doi: 10.1029/2017JC013708.

138. Wargula, Anna, Britt Raubenheimer, Steve Elgar, Jia-Lin Chen, Fengyan Shi, Peter Traykovski, 2018. Tidal Flow Asymmetry Owing to Inertia and Waves on an Unstratified, Shallow Ebb Shoal, Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 123, doi: 10.1029/2017JC013625.

139. Elgar, Steve, Britt Raubenheimer, David Clark, and Melissa Moulton, 2019 Extremely low frequency (0.1 to 1.0 mHz) surfzone currents, Geophysical Research Letters, 46, 10.1029/2018GL081106.

140. Elko, Nicole, Casey Dietrich, Mary Cialone, Hilary Stockdon, Matt W. Bilskie, Brandon Boyd, Bianca Charbonneau, Dan Cox, Kendra Dresback, Steve Elgar, Amanda Lewis, Patrick Limber, Joe Long, Chris Massey, Talea Mayo, Kathryn McIntosh, Norberto Nadal-Caraballo, Britt Raubenheimer, Tori Tomiczek, and Anna Wargula, 2019. Advancing the understanding of storm processes and impacts, Shore & Beach, Vol. 87, No. 1, 37-51.

141. Elgar, Steve and Britt Raubenheimer, 2020. Field evidence for inverse energy cascades in the surf zone, Journal of Physical Oceanography, 50, 2315-2321, 10.1175/JPO-D-19-0327.1.

142. Reffitt, Matthew, Mara Orescanin, Chris Massey, Britt Raubenheimer, Robert Jensen, Steve Elgar, 2020. Modeling storm surge in a small tidal two-inlet system, J. Waterway, Port, Coastal, Ocean Eng., 146(6): 04020043.

143. Rafati, Yashar, Tian-Jian Hsu, Steve Elgar, Britt Raubenheimer, Ellen Quataert, Ap van Dongeren, 2021. Modeling the hydrodynamics and morphodynamics of sandbar migration events, Coastal Eng., 166, 103885.

144. Baker, C. M., M. Moulton, B. Raubenheimer, S. Elgar, & N. Kumar, 2021. Modeled three-dimensional currents and eddies on an alongshore-variable barred beach, Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 126, e2020JC016899. https://doi. org/10.1029/2020JC016899.

145. O'Dea, A., K. Brodie, & S. Elgar, 2021. Field observations of the evolution of plunging-wave shapes. Geophysical Research Letters, 48, e2021GL093664.

146. Housego, Rachel, Britt Raubenheimer, Steve Elgar, Sandy Cross, Christian Legner, David Ryan, 2021. Coastal flooding generated by ocean wave- and surge-driven groundwater fluctuations on a sandy barrier island, Journal of Hydrology, 603, 126920.

147. Florence, Matthew, Nina Stark, Britt Raubenheimer, Steve Elgar, 2022. Nearshore Vertical Pore Pressure Gradients and Onshore Sediment Transport under Tropical Storm Forcing, J. Waterway, Port, Coastal, Ocean Eng., 2022, 148(6): 04022023.

148. Paldor, A., N. Stark, M. Florence, B. Raubenheimer, S. Elgar, R. Housego, R.S. Frederiks, and H.A. Michael, 2022. Coastal topography and hydrogeology control critical groundwater gradients and potential beach surface instability during storm surges, Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 26, 5987–6002.

149. Housego, R., B. Raubenheimer, S. Elgar, M.Z. Wu, 2023. Hydraulic head fluctuations in an intermediate depth coastal surface aquifer. J. Hydrology, 625, 130017,

150. Elgar, S., C. Dooley, L. Gorrell, and B. Raubenheimer, 2023. Observations of two-dimensional turbulence in the surfzone. Phys. Fluids 35, 085142 (2023); doi: 10.1063/5.0159170.

151. Christensen, D., Britt Raubenheimer, Steve Elgar, 2024. The Roles of Bathymetry and Waves in Rip-Channel Dynamics, Journal of Geophysical Research, Earth Surface, 129, e2023JF007389, https://doi. org/10.1029/2023JF007389.

152. Chen, J., B. Raubenheimer, & S. Elgar, 2024. Wave and roller transformation over barred bathymetry. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 129, e2023JC020413.

153. Salatin, R., Q. Chen, B. Raubenheimer, S. Elgar, L. Gorrell, X. Li, 2024. A new framework for quantifying alongshore variability of swash motion using fully convolutional networks, Coastal Engineering, 192, 104542.

154. Dooley, C., Elgar, S., & Raubenheimer, B., 2024. Field observations of surfzone vorticity. Geophysical Research Letters, 51, e2024GL111402.

155. McCormack, Tyler, Julia Hopkins, Britt Raubenheimer, Steve Elgar, Katherine Brodie, 2025 Remote sensing of wave-orbital velocities in the surfzone, Coastal Engineering 195, 104631,

156. Dooley, Ciara, Steve Elgar, Britt Raubenheimer, Levi Gorrell, 2025 Estimating surfzone currents with near-field optical remote sensing, Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology42, 10.1175/JTECH-D-24-0015.1.