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A few photos of the group over the years...

photo of lab personnel

Summer 2010 L to R: Mark Hahn, Sibel Karchner, Alicia Timme-Laragy, Diana Franks, Neel Aluru, Rachel Harbeitner

photo of lab personnel

2010 Alicia, Sibel, Diana, Neel

photo of lab personnel

2010 Neel microinjecting Fundulus embryos

2008 Mark, Kate, Leo, Kristen, Christina, Sibel, Matt, Diana, Alicia


2018 Lab Lunch at Captain Kidd, Woods Hole. Diana Franks, Jed Goldstone, Kate Crawford, Sibel Karchner, Nadja Brun, Neel Aluru, Mark Hahn, Jenny Panlilio

2003 Mark, Eric, Joy, Kristen, Ann, Diana, Rebecca (front), Rebeka (back), Sibel

Summer 2005
Top (L to R): Maria, Rebeka, Kristen, Katie, Ann.
Bottom (L to R): Diana, Joy, Eric, Mark, Elwood (Guest Investigator), Bernie.

photo of lab personnel

2003 Sibel, Kristen, Diana, Rebeka, Barney Rees (UNO, Guest Investigator), Brad, Ann, Mark

photo of lab personnel

1997 Mark (horizontal), Diana, Eli, Sue, Brenda, Connie, Sibel, Fabiola, Wade

photo of lab personnel

1997 Mark, Diana, Eli, Sue, Brenda, Connie, Sibel, Fabiola, Wade

2001 Rebeka, Mark, Kristen, Regina, Eric, Diana, Sibel

2001 Standing: Joy, Eric, Kristen, Rebeka, Diana. Front: Brad, Mark, Sibel.

Sitting: Bernie

2008: Sibel, Diana, Christina, Leo, Mark, Kate, Kristen, Alicia, Matt

Sibel, Diana, Mark, Brad, Wade, Brenda.

A long time ago.

1996?:  Sibel, Brenda, Mark, Eli, Miriam, Connie, Sue, Diana.

photo at a meeting

2009 In Tokyo, with Chiharu Tohyama, Chiu-Wing Lam, and Dick Peterson

photo at a meeting

2009 In Tokyo, with Yoshiaki Fujii-Kuriyama

photo at a meeting

2009 Tokyo, with Hisato Iwata

2020  Mark, with wife Rachel Graber

2018 Diana in the lab

2018  Diana and Sibel in the lab.

2020  Eel Pond, Woods Hole

2020  Eel Pond, Woods Hole. Redfield Lab is across the pond, upper right.

2020  Vineyard Haven Harbor