About Us
Developing effective and well-engineered tags requires collaboration amongst members of BIO and AOPE, but also sensor engineering and ocean observation with MCG and PO. This unique hub of diversity in marine experience allows us to work together to minimize tagging impacts on animals, and to make groundbreaking improvements on current tags and associated technology.
Hover over the images below to learn more about each TagLab researcher!
Amy Kukulya
Dept: AOP&E
Creator of Turtlecam and SharkCam Principal Investigator. Senior AUV Operations Engineer
Contact: Amy Kukulya email
Aran Mooney
Dept: BIO
Leads the Sensory Ecology and Physiology Lab @ WHOI Mooney Lab
Contact: amooney@whoi.edu
Michael Moore
Dept: BIO
Director of the Marine Mammal Center. Remotely monitors marine mammal health with technology
Contact: mmoore@whoi.edu
Mark Baumgartner
Dept: BIO
Utilizes technology, AUVs, passive acoustics and tags to study top predator ecology
Contact: mbaumgartner@whoi.edu
Fred Jaffre
Dept: AOP&E
Creates compact electronic and electro-mechanical designs for AUVs and underwater instrumentation
Contact: fjaffre@whoi.edu
Lee Freitag
Dept: AOP&E
Underwater acoustic signal processing; underwater systems architecture, design and implementation
Contact: lfreitag@whoi.edu
Simon Thorrold
Dept: BIO
Fisheries ecology/oceanography; tracing paths of marine fish; natural isotopic and elemental markers
Contact: sthorrold@whoi.edu
Laela Sayigh
Dept: BIO
Social behavior and communication of whales/dolphins using non-invasive tags
Contact: lsayigh@whoi.edu
Alex Bocconcelli
Dept: AOP&E
Research interests: marine mammal behavior: tagging and impacts of noise; underwater sensor packages
Contact: abocconcelli@whoi.edu
Jim Partan
Dept: AOP&E
Underwater acoustic communication, navigation and networks; marine mammal acoustics and behavioral sensing; AUVs
Contact: jpartan@whoi.edu
Aleck Wang
Dept: MC&G
Chemical oceanography and marine biogeochemistry; coastal carbon and nutrient biogeochemistry
Contact: zawang@whoi.edu
Karla Haiat Sasson
Dept: BIO & AOP&E
WHOI Guest Student
URI Ocean Engineering & Marine Biology Major
Contact: karlahaiat@gmail.com