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Undergraduate and graduate students


Ocean informatics:
Aaron Wickware, undergraduate at California State University, Monterey Bay (with A. Reed) [link to photo in Gallery > Students]


Coastal research:
Taina Sanchez, recent graduate from University of Miami

Mullineaux and Beaulieu lab groups in summer 2023; front row from left: (Arnold,) Michael Meneses, Rodrigo Zuniga, Lauren Mullineaux, (Louie); back row from left: Stace Beaulieu, Susan Mills, Taina Sanchez, Tony Pires, Miles Jordan, and Isis Kees. Photo courtesy Steve Faluotico, WHOI.


Coastal research:
'Data mentor' for 3 NES-LTER REUs:

  • Jonathan Nash (with H. Sosik)
  • Annissa Aamoum (with H. Sosik)
  • Amanda Herbst (with P. Marrec and S. Menden-Deuer)


Coastal research:
Ayanna Butler, undergraduate student in Civil Engineering at Howard University


Deep-sea research:

  • Bethany Fleming, graduate student at University of St. Andrews, Scotland (with L. Mullineaux)

Coastal research:

  • Kathy Qi, undergraduate in Marine Biology and Computer Science from University of California San Diego (with H. Sosik)
  • Jaxine Wolfe, recent graduate in Biology from Northeastern University (with J. Llopiz)

Mullineaux and Beaulieu lab groups in summer 2019, from left: Lauren Dykman, Kirstin Meyer-Kaiser, Lauren Mullineaux, Susan Mills, DeYante Prince, Bethany Fleming, Tony Pires, Jaxine Wolfe, Kathy Qi, Stace Beaulieu, and Louie and Chester. Photo courtesy Susan Mills.


Deep-sea research:

  • Mary Toner, graduate student in Biological Sciences at Tufts University
  • Sabine Angier, undergraduate at University of Puget Sound

Coastal research:

  • Irene Duran, undergraduate in Mechatronic Engineering from California State University Chico (with H. Sosik)
  • Miraflor Santos, undergraduate in Biology from New York University Abu Dhabi (with H. Sosik)


Deep-sea research:

  • Mary Toner, graduate student in Biological Sciences at Tufts University, MA

Coastal research:

  • Craig Dawes, undergraduate in Biomedical Informatics at New York City College of Technology (with H. Sosik)
    Poster presented at 2018 Ocean Sciences Meeting: "New Insights to the Diversity of Ciliates Across Space and Over Time in the Northeast U.S. Shelf Large Marine Ecosystem"


Coastal research:

  • Matthew Ball, undergraduate in Computer Sciences at Bowie State University (with H. Sosik)
    Poster presented at 2017 ESIP Meeting: "Towards Assessing Biodiversity from Data Produced by an Underwater Microscope"


Deep-sea research:

  • Maia Hanson, Western Washington University (with NOAA sponsor: E. Breuer, Pacific Islands Fisheries Science Center)
    Poster presented at 2015 AGU Fall Meeting and 2016 Ocean Sciences Meeting: "Looking for Larvae Above an Erupting Submarine Volcano, NW Rota-1, Mariana Arc"

2015 Summer Student Beachcombing Field Trip


Deep-sea research:

  • R. Thomas Sayre-McCord, UNC-Chapel Hill (with H. Jiang)
    Poster presented at 2012 Ocean Sciences Meeting: "Three-dimensional reconstruction of larval swimming trajectories with application to random walk diffusivity"


Ocean informatics:

  • Eric Rozell, RPI (with A. Maffei)
    Outstanding Student Paper Award, 2010 AGU Fall Meeting Poster #IN23A-1349: “A Framework for Integrating Oceanographic Data Repositories”