
Albert Bradley
Oceanographer Emeritus
Research Interests: Ocean research instrumentation including acoustics, ocean sensor systems and platforms, and autonomous research vehicles.
Contact: abradley@whoi.edu

Alan Chave
Scientist Emeritus
Research Interests: Development of permanent seafloor observatories; the use of electromagnetic methods to study the structure and evolution of the oceanic and continental lithosphere; development of new processing and modeling algorithms for electromagnetic data; instrumentation to measure electromagnetic fields in the ocean; the use of abandoned submarine cables for long-term seafloor data telemetry and passive measurements of the geoelectric field.
Contact: achave@whoi.edu

Steven Lerner
Emeritus Research Scholar
Research Interests: Underwater real-time multi-sensor collection, processing, and visualization systems; autonomous vehicles/seafloor observatories; development of multi-disciplinary data access and analysis systems.
Contact: slerner@whoi.edu

Catherine Offinger
Oceanographer Emeritus
Research Interests: Organization and logistics support for un-crewed vehicle teams including Jason, Nereus and Sentry.
Contact: coffinger@whoi.edu

Hanu Singh
Scientist Emeritus
Research Interests: Computer vision; system architecture and algorithms for acoustic and optical imaging; underwater vehicle system architecture for navigation, communications, docking, and power.
Contact: hsingh@whoi.edu