Archived data
Data Processing
The processing software was conceived specifically to process data from IOEBs, employing basic processing functions in individual modules designed for expandability to handle future systems requirements. Input files of ARGOS hexadecimal data is processed by dividing the location, or buoy drift data, from the sensor data, and treating each set separately, for each buoy. The location data consists of ARGOS quality 2 or 3 positions from each PTT on a particular IOEB, which are subsequently screened, interpolated, and combined with similarly processed locations from the other PTT, and further smoothed with a 6-hr triangular filter to produce an hourly timeseries with a standard error we calculated to be ~150 m. The sensor data is prefiltered, combined, adjusted for buoy drift, and screened with a Gaussian first difference filter to produce unevenly spaced timeseries of each environmental or physical variable measured by the IOEB. Every variable is output to a unique file per year, per buoy consisting of a two-column timeseries. This format allows for easy data exchange, and facilitates visual output using the GMT-SYSTEM plotting tools. A full description of the processing scheme, a description of field operations, and plots of the data are available in WHOI Technical Report 99-12.
Output data availability
Data files are available in zip formats. Click on the links to the right of the page to download complete yearly archives for each IOEB.
Output Data Filenames
Most of the individual uncompressed output files are two column files where the first column contains the decimal day of the year, and the second column the variable measurement.
Filename = prefix + yy (s) . ext
where prefix is defined below
yy = two number year
s = subscript c for drift corrected, r for recovered data, s for screened data, t for temporary
ext = buoy id extension
Example: a0e1_92c.b92 = 92 BGY IOEB: drift corrected ADCP/DPM 0, bin 1, east vector for 1992
Pre | Sensor/Environmental Variable | Units |
aXbf_ | ADCP/DPM X: bin flag | bit |
aXct_ | ADCP/DPM X: counter | bit |
aXeN_ | ADCP/DPM X: raw east vector for bin N | cm/s |
aXen_ | ADCP/DPM X: ensembles | number |
aXhv_ | ADCP/DPM X: heading variability | deg |
aXqN_ | ADCP/DPM X: status bit N | bit |
aXnN_ | ADCP/DPM X: raw north vector for bin N | cm/s |
aXt_ | ADCP/DPM X: temperature | deg C |
aXtv_ | ADCP/DPM X: tilt variability | deg |
aXvN_ | ADCP/DPM X: vertical vector for bin N | cm/s |
aXxN_ | ADCP/DPM X: error bit N | bit |
comp_ | Apex compass = MHE + DECL | deg |
conN_ | MCU controller N battery voltage | V |
decl_ | Geomagnetic declination derived from locations | deg |
drift_ | Drift track (lon, lat) | deg, deg |
fl_ | Fluorometry at 110 m | V |
ibv_ | ICE: battery voltage | V |
iday_ | ICE: day code | number |
iech_ | ICE: echo sounder | m |
ihr_ | ICE: hour code | number |
isNa_ | ICE: stress sensor N, sigma-1 | kPa |
isNb_ | ICE: stress sensor N, sigma-2 | kPa |
itN_ | ICE: temperature sensor N | deg C |
lat_ | Drift latitude timeseries | deg |
lon_ | Drift longitude timeseries | deg |
mat_ | MET: air temperature | deg C |
mbar_ | MET: barometric pressure | hPa |
mbv_ | MET: battery voltage | V |
mday_ | MET: day code | number |
mhe_ | MET: raw compass heading | deg |
mhr_ | MET: hour code | number |
mtav_ | MET: average tensiometer | lbs |
mtmx_ | MET: maximum tensiometer | lbs |
mtst_ | MET: std of tensiometer | lbs |
mtx_ | MET: apex tilt x | deg |
mty_ | MET: apex tilt y | deg |
mwd_ | MET: raw wind speed | m/s |
mws_ | MET: raw wind direction | deg |
pttN_ | MET: raw compass heading | V |
s4c_ | S4: raw conductivity | mmho |
s4d_ | S4: raw sigma-t | |
s4e_ | S4: raw east vector | cm/s |
s4n_ | S4: raw north vector | cm/s |
s4s_ | S4: raw salinity | PSU |
s4t_ | S4: raw temperature | deg C |
scNc_ | Seacat N: raw conductivity | mmho |
scNd_ | Seacat N: raw sigma-t | |
scNs_ | Seacat N: raw salinity | PSU |
scNt_ | Seacat N: raw temperature | deg C |
scdo_ | Seacat dissolved oxygen | |
scfl_ | Fluorometry at Seacat | V |
st_ | Sediment trap status | number |
tr_ | Transmissometry at 110 m | % |
ud_ | Processed buoy/ice direction | deg |
ue_ | Processed buoy/ice east vector | cm/s |
un_ | Processed buoy/ice north vector | cm/s |
us_ | Processed buoy/ice speed | cm/s |
uvec_ | Processed buoy/ice plot vectors | |
vd_ | Processed 110 m direction | deg |
ve_ | Processed 110 m east vector | cm/s |
vn_ | Processed 110 m north vector | cm/s |
vs_ | Processed 110 m speed | cm/s |
vvec_ | Processed 110 m plot vectors | |
wd_ | Processed wind direction | deg |
we_ | Processed wind east vector | m/s |
wn_ | Processed wind north vector | m/s |
ws_ | Processed wind speed | m/s |
wtse_ | Water transfer system event | number |
wtss_ | Water transfer system status | number |
wvec_ | Processed wind plot vectors |
Related Files
- 1992 Beaufort Gyre IOEB output data from 1992
ZIP file [1.4MB] - 1992 Beaufort Gyre IOEB output data from 1993
ZIP file [1.9MB] - 1992 Beaufort Gyre IOEB output data from 1994
ZIP file [1.3MB] - 1992 Beaufort Gyre IOEB output data from 1995
ZIP file [1MB] - 1992 Beaufort Gyre IOEB output data from 1996
ZIP file [0.5MB] - 1996 Beaufort Gyre IOEB output data from 1996
ZIP file [1.5MB] - 1996 Beaufort Gyre IOEB output data from 1997
ZIP file [1.3MB] - 1997 Beaufort Gyre IOEB output data from 1997
ZIP file [2.6MB] - 1997 Beaufort Gyre IOEB output data from 1998
ZIP file [2.0MB] - 1997 SHEBA IOEB output data from 1997
ZIP file [0.5MB] - 1997 SHEBA IOEB output data from 1998
ZIP file [1.2MB] - 1992 Transpolar Drift IOEB output data from 1992
ZIP file [0.1MB] - 1994 Transpolar Drift IOEB output data from 1994
ZIP file [1.1MB]