Jason, the Work Horse

VISIONS’23 students clean the Deep Profiler float recovered from the Oregon Offshore site. Credit: M. Elend, University of Washington, V23.
September 12-15, 2023: Leg 4 has been very busy. Jason swapped out the wire crawler vehicle at the Axial Base Deep Profiler Mooring at a water depth of 2900 meters. CTD casts were completed to verify the instruments on the deep profiler vehicle and a CTD was exchanged at Axial Caldera. The Thompson then transited from Axial Caldera to the Endurance Offshore site. There, Jason was deployed for dive J2-1557, during which an extension cable was connected to the Deep Profiler docking station and a complete connection was established, allowing the Profiler to ascend and descend the wire. After confirming that the Deep Profiler was fully operational, a verification CTD was performed.
For further details and live action video, check out this link!