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Light skies

The Irminger Sea Array is at ~60° N latitude, and we are just after the summer solstice. That means it doesn’t get very dark here. With overcast skies it can be hard to tell, but when the sun is out it can play havoc with your sense of time. These pictures are from 9:30 pm local time (10:30 GMT). It can be hard to go to sleep (even after a long day of mooring operations) when the sun is shining brightly through your window!

Credit: Sheri N. White © WHOI.

Credit: Sheri N. White © WHOI.

Days have been overcast and foggy here in the Irminger Sea, but last night at around 2 am the skies were clear. This is the pre-sunrise light.
Credit: Sheri N. White©WHOI.