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Robots to the Rescue

Jason prepares to attach a block of syntactic foam to a stranded MBARI AUV to help it surface. Credit: M. Vardaro, University of Washington.

August 26, 2023: Just as the team was about to get underway to Southern Hydrate Ridge, a call came in from the R/V Rachel Carson. One of their AUVs was drifting neutral at ~40 m water depth following a mission and couldn’t be recovered. They had attempted to send a signal to the AUV to release the emergency drop weights (which would allow the long, yellow, torpedo-shaped vehicle to float to the surface), but the request timed out. They were hoping that we could use Jason to help investigate and potentially recover the AUV.

After some discussions aboard the R/V Thomas G. Thompson, the ship headed to the AUV position and began radio communications with the Rachel Carson to hand off tracking of the AUV and coordinate ship movements. Jason was launched and quickly located the stranded AUV and successfully attached a block of syntactic foam flotation to one of the forward lifting bails (a metal loop used to attach recovery and handling lines), which brought the vehicle to the surface. Jason was safely recovered to deck and the Thompson backed off backed off the site to let the Rachel Carson successfully recover the AUV..

For a complete look at the day’s rescue operation, go here.