And, We’re Off!
The R/V Thomas G. Thompson left the Newport pier at noon Pacific time today for the 17th recovery and deployment mission of the Coastal Endurance Array. Departure occurred after two safety briefings—the first by the Endurance Team Deck Lead Alex Wick, the second by the ship’s captain and crew.
Safety is the number one priority on research vessels like the Thompson. Wick instructed the team about safe procedures on deck during operations. The ship’s team conducted a fire and abandon ship drills, followed by practice session putting on life vests, survival suits, and identifying emergency exits.

Blog author Darlene Trew Crist learned the key to successfully putting on a survival suit is to insert your feet first, followed by the less dominant hand to aid in the process of zipping it all the way up.

The Newport shoreline is in the distance as the R/V Thomas G. Thompson heads out to sea.

The Newport shoreline is in the distance as the R/V Thomas G. Thompson heads out to sea.

Team members apply Desitin ointment to Glider 917, which will prevent marine growth on this glider that will traverse the shallow coastal waters.

Glider 917 as it begins its three-month journey collecting data in the water column near the Washington Inshore Surface Mooring.