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Mobilization Started

The Irminger mobilization has begun!  The team is in Reykjavik, Iceland building and testing the Irminger Array Global Surface Mooring, Hybrid Profiler Mooring, and Flanking Moorings.  John Lund, the cruise Chief Scientist, and his team are assembling the Global Surface Mooring buoy well and tower.  The well houses the power, data collection, and telemetry systems…

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End of Leg One

August 22, 2023: Leg 1 came to an end under calm seas and blue skies, as compared to four days of weather during the leg, with winds up to 35 knots (40 mph).  Despite the weather, the RCA team had multiple successes.  They turned two science platforms on each of the Shallow Profiler Moorings at…

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Weather Not Cooperating

August 19-20, 2023:  High winds and seas have prevented field operations from happening over the last two days. The waves have been so choppy and winds blustery that Queens College Assistant Professor Dax Soule reports that “students have been modeling a range of hues not commonly seen on dry land.”  Nonetheless, he also reports on…

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Work Continues in Spite of Weather

August 18th, 2023:  The attempt to dodge the weather fronts continues for the science team aboard the R/V Thomas G. Thompson.  With a break in the weather, Jason went into the water at 0936 for a naked dive (Dive J2-1524) to clean the digital still camera. There was a short loss of power. The team…

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Pink Sea Urchin Visits

August 17, 2023: A beautiful colony of light orange anemones grows on the shallow profiler Science Pod base, along with a pink sea urchin, and feather stars, branching hydroids to the far right hosting nudibranch eggs.

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Busy Day of Dives

August 16th, 2023: Throughout the night and into the early morning,  Jason completed a series of dives here at the Oregon Offshore site. Jason successfully completed an exchange of the Shallow Profiler Science Pods at 01:47 and 05:18 respectively, in the morning.  After a short transit to the ROV was back in the water at 06:50 for Dive J2-1518,…

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Students and Guests Ready to Roll

August 15, 2023: As the R/V Thomas G. Thompson cleared the channel and headed into the Pacific, VISIONS’ students and guests posed for a picture to memorialize the occasion. Watch as events aboard unfold live here.

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Safety First

August 13, 2023: With 40 knot winds offshore, the Thompson was kept inshore for an extra day and plans made to switch operations to the nearest site, the Oregon Shelf – only an hour offshore. During the stay in port, the Thompson crew conducted a Safety meeting, including a requirement for all team members to don their…

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Slight Weather Delay

After a one-day weather delay, the RCA team will be departing aboard the R/V Thompson today, August 14th at ~1315 to head out to the Oregon Shelf site at 80 m water depth. It is a short steam of ~ 1 hr. The first Jason dive (J2-1512) will be to test the Jason winch and to clean and…

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Preparations in Full Swing

Regional Cabled Array Principal Investigator and Chief Scientist for Legs 1 and 4, Deborah Kelley (back row, second from right) is excited to be headed to sea again with her RCA team and 31 VISIONS students and special guests. She was interviewed by the University of Washington’s newspaper, where she detailed plans for this complicated…

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