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Glider Ops

IRMINGER: In addition to fixed moorings, the OOI Irminger Sea Array consists of autonomous gliders.  Two gliders were deployed to the array for a one year deployment, and one glider deployed last year was recovered.  The gliders sit on the back deck prior to deployment so that the glider team on shore can communicate with…

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Profiler Mooring in the Water

IRMINGER: Another gray day in the Irminger Sea and another OOI mooring in the water.  The Profiler Mooring consists of a top sphere at 150 m with upward- and downward looking bioacoustic sonar instruments, and a profiler which crawls up and down through the water column measuring conductivity, temperature & depth, dissolved oxygen, fluorescence and…

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Hybrid Profiler Mooring Recovered

STATION PAPA: The Station Papa moorings are replaced on a yearly schedule.  Here the OOI-CGSN team recovers the Hybrid Profiler Mooring. The yellow vehicle seen on the mooring wire is a Wire-Following Profiler (WFP).  The vehicle moves up and down the wire sampling the water column for salinity, temperature, pressure,  dissolved oxygen, chlorophyll, and current…

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Work Completed Despite Weather

STATION PAPA: The RV Sikuliaq and the science party have been experiencing some rough weather, but they still need to get the work done!  This is a recovery of a Flanking Mooring that has been deployed for almost one year.  The recovered equipment will come back to Woods Hole, MA for repair and refurbishment, and…

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Giant Hairy Bearded Man

STATION PAPA, June 11, 2024: Recovery operations were set to begin once the deployment operations were successfully completed and the decks cleared. A little time was also allotted between the deployment of new and recovery of the old to provide overlapping data to intercalibrate the moored instruments. The recovery operations brought back the old moorings…

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Large Surface Mooring Operational

IRMINGER: The large surface mooring at the OOI Irminger Sea Array is in the water and will report data from this important site for the next year. Well done team! Credit: Sheri N. White © WHOI.

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Surface Mooring Deployed

IRMINGER: The OOI-CGSN team arrived at the OOI Irminger Sea Array ahead of a storm and were able to get the large Surface Mooring deployed. Although conditions were overcast and drizzly, the winds and seas were relatively calm. The wind turbines on the buoy began to spin immediately. The wind turbines and solar panels will…

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8 Day Transit Provides Prep Time

IRMINGER: It takes eight days to transit from Woods Hole to the Irminger Sea.  During that time, the OOI-CGSN team keeps busy preparing for their deployments.  The mooring components are laid out on the back deck and connected together so that the team can run the moorings and make sure the controllers and instruments are…

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POGO Fellow Sharing Experiences

POGO Fellow Aditi Sharma is using down time aboard the R/V Sikuliaq to share her experiences during her first time at sea on a research vessel.  Her comments are insightful and provide an insider’s view of life aboard the Sikuliaq.  You can read her blog here. Bookmark the site as she updates her posts regularly.…

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OSNAP Blog is Live

IRMINGER:  Heather Furey, Adam Houk, and Meg Yoder are aboard the R/V Neil Armstrong along with the OOI – CGSN team.  The three will be recovering and deploying Overturning in the Subpolar Atlantic Program (OSNAP) moorings, as part of a long collaboration between OOI and OSNAP. Heather Furey is writing a blog about her experiences…

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