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Live from the Thompson

Chief Scientist Jonathan Fram appeared live from onboard the R/V Thomas G. Thompson to explain OOI and the Endurance 17 operations.  To watch, click here.

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Twelve Endurance 17 team members, led by Chief Scientist Jonathan Fram, met in the early morning darkness at Oregon State University’s Ocean Observing Center in Corvallis for the hour-long drive to the NOAA Marine Operations Center in Newport. There, they disembarked and took the last of three COVID test leading up the expedition aboard the…

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Live ship-shore video: Sept 21

Mark your calendar to tune in to a rare opportunity to see live OOI action from the R/V Thomas G. Thompson: Wednesday September 21 at noon eastern.  Exploring by the Seat of Your Pants will be interviewing Chief Scientist Jonathan Fram as he and his team get ready to depart on the 17th recovery and deployment expedition of the…

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Blue Sharks Encounter

This clip of ROPOS ROV video from dives R2330 and R2331 (compiled by UW student Leilani Combs) shows some of the aggressive behavior by the blue sharks we encountered during the OOI Oregon Offshore Deep Profiler deployments. Credit: UW/NSF-OOI/CSSF #NSFfunded @NSF @UWOcean — VISIONS Expeditions (@VISIONSops) September 6, 2022

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Operational for 8 years at 200 meters

Recovery of the OOI Cabled Slope Base Shallow Profiler mooring. The platform normally sits at 200m depth, stable instruments on one side and the profiler pod and winch on the other. The mooring is being turned for the first time since deployment in 2014! 

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Sea Spider

A pycnogonid (sea spider, a kind of arthropod) recovered along with other macrofauna samples from the ASHES hydrothermal vent field on Axial Seamount, while we conducted our OOI work. This individual is carrying eggs below its body, so it is a male.

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Curious Stowaway!

The RCA team had a stowaway on Leg 3 of the OOI RCA O&M cruise! This bold adventurer even joined them in the main lab to inspect their operations. The curious bird ate some suet provided by the crew and then ventured on its way, hopefully to continue its migration.

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ROPOS delivery

ROPOS launching with one of four experimental sonar tripods to be plugged into the OOI Regional Cabled Array. They were developed by UW researchers to accurately measure stresses that precede an eruption of Axial Seamount, a subsea volcano off the coast of Oregon.

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The R/V Thompson encountered a “fogbow” this morning between ROV dives at the base of Axial Seamount. It was pretty bright, and hopefully a good omen for continued successful deployments on the OOI RCA O&M cruise.  The team is now completing leg 3, with two more legs to go. 

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Sunrise prep

UW-APL engineer Paul Aguilar up at sunrise to prep the Axial Base Horizontal Electrometer Pressure-Inverted Echosounder (HPIES), a novel OOI instrument measuring horizontal electrical field, pressure & acoustic travel time from seafloor to sea surface. 

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