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Biofouling challenge

Top view of the OOI Oregon Offshore Shallow Profiler Mooring shows the difference between a new set of instruments (top), 8 years spent at 200m (center) & 1 year of biofouling (profiler pod at bottom). All sensors were swapped out over the last 24 hrs.

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Flytrap anemones and glass sponges

During the first dive of the OOI RCA O&M cruise, the ROV visited an underwater microphone (hydrophone) tripod on the seafloor at the OOI Slope Base site. The instrument is surrounded by flytrap anemones, some attached to the stalks of glass sponges.

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ROPOS ready

The Canadian Scientific Submersible Facility (CSSF) Remotely Operated Vehicle ROPOS was launched August 9 on the first dive (R2201) of the OOI RCA Operation and Maintenance  cruise. It is carrying a tool basket containing an instrument tripod to be deployed at the Slope Base site (2900 m depth).

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Students aboard

Leg 1 VISIONS students on the 2022 OOI RCA O&M cruise pose on the bow as the R/V Thomas G. Thompson steams out of Newport. Students work with UW researchers, engineers, and the ship’s crew to learn all aspects of marine research, ship ops, and life aboard a research vessel.

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Mobilization underway

Mobilization and loading of the ROPOS ROV on the R/V Thomas G. Thompson for Leg 1 of the OOI Regional Cabled Array operations & maintenance expedition began on  August 8th. View live video here. 

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VISIONS’22 blog

You can keep up with daily activities during RCA VISIONS’22 by watching a live stream video and reading daily blogs written by both the science party and student participants.  Be sure to bookmark this site and check back often! This 45-day expedition beginning August 5 promises to be exciting.  This highly complex operation will be…

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Headed to sea soon

The Regional Cabled Array team soon goes to sea on their 43-day cruise on the R/V Thompson using the ROV ROPOS, which will make at least 40 dives in coastal waters, at methane seeps, and on the largest underwater volcano off the Pacific coast – Axial Seamount.

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Transport underway

  It promises to be a full house! The first shipment of infrastructure and equipment to support the 2022 RCA operations and maintenance expedition shipped from Seattle, WA to Newport, OR on 25 July. Trucks will leave daily from Seattle through next week in preparation for mobilization on the R/V Thompson on 5 August.  …

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R/V Thomas G. Thompson

The R/V Thomas G. Thompson is operated by the University of Washington as part of the US academic research fleet, within the UNOLS framework (University National Oceanographic Laboratories System). The Thompson is 274 ft in length, 52.5 ft. beam, and at full load has a 19-foot draft. It had a complete mid-life overhaul at the end of 2017,…

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Regional Cabled Array

The first U.S. ocean observatory to span a tectonic plate, the Regional Cabled Array (RCA) provides a constant stream of real time data from the seafloor and through the water column across the Juan de Fuca plate. A network of 900 kilometers of electro-optical cables supplies unprecedented power (10 kilovolts, 8 kilowatt), bandwidth (10 Gigabit…

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