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Cross-Shelf CTD Survey and Halloween

The waves and winds are still too intense to safely deploy a mooring today, so we are conducting a cross-shelf CTD survey from Pioneers’ Upstream Offshore (450 meters depth) site to the Upstream Inshore (95 meters depth) site.  This is one of OOI’s objectives and provides a general scientific assessment of the shelf break area. …

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Glider Day at Pioneer 17

Inclement weather has made us slightly adjust our schedule of what to put into the water each day.  Today started off with a glider deployment. Gliders are an integral part of the OOI and are operated at both the Coastal and Global Arrays. Gliders at the Coastal Arrays (Pioneer and Endurance) sample the water space…

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Finally at Sea

The 14 members of the Pioneer 17 science party were all onboard the R/V Neil Armstrong at 9 am sharp on Friday 29 October. All were eager to head out to the array, which is about 75 nautical miles south of Martha’s Vineyard after a three-day weather delay caused by a roaring nor’easter. The storm…

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Before Departure

Once recovered, the moorings are refurbished for the next recovery and deployment mission.  This work is done at the Quissett campus of Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, which is about two miles from the Woods Hole dock.  Prior to Pioneer 17, three coastal surface moorings had to be uploaded on a flatbed truck and transported to…

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Instruments Post 1

During the Pioneer 17 expedition, the team will deploy and recover three coastal surface moorings, deploy six and recover five coastal profiler moorings, and recover one glider.  The team will also be conducting missions with autonomous underwater vehicles, pictured above, to take oceanographic observations in the vicinity of the moorings. These observations serve to validate…

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