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Ready for Mobilization

Three Pioneer MAB Coastal Surface Moorings, along with their Near Surface Instrument Frame (NSIF) and Multi-Function Node (MFN) and risers, operating and collecting test data prior to mobilization on the RV Neil Armstrong.  The moorings operate for several days to test all systems, including data delivery to the OOI Cyberinfrastructure, prior to deployment.

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New Sensors Added

Meghan Donohue and Mike Robinson complete the build of a Multi-Function Node (MFN) prior to transportation to the WHOI dock for loading.  The MFN is the seabed instrument platform at all the Pioneer MAB Coastal Surface Mooring locations.  New additions to the MFN include turbidity and particle size sensors.

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Compass Calibration

Jennifer Batryn, Nikki Arm, Irene Duran, and Ellen Roosen perform a compass spin of an Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP) to be deployed on Pioneer MAB.   It is important to do the compass calibration prior to deployment to correct for the introduction of magnetic materials during setup.  

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New Pier!

The NSF-OOI Endurance Array team from Oregon State University is proud to be mobilizing from OSU’s newly renovated pier. The light-colored concrete in the picture shows the area over the pylons that were replaced. Next to the causeway, the crew of the R/V Sikuliaq is fishing out a large log from the water.  Go Beavs!

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Mobilization Underway

The Endurance 20 team took advantage of the good weather to load most of what was needed for the first leg of the National Science Foundation Ocean Observatories Initiative Endurance Array 20 expedition. Most of the day was spent installing and tension testing two large winches: a Heavy Lift Winch and the UNOLS West Coast…

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New Shallow Water Mooring

Matt Latvis tests the buoy controller and telemetry tower for the new Shallow Water Mooring.  The satellite telemetry system will send science data collected by a profiling vehicle back to shore in near real-time.

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Looking Up and Up

Alex Franks and Megan Donohue assemble the tower for the Pioneer MAB Central Surface Mooring.  The buoy tower carries the meteorological instruments, satellite telemetry antennas for data delivery, solar panels and wind turbines for power generation, and navigation equipment such as lights/radar reflectors/GPS.

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Five Coastal Profiler Moorings Tested

John Lund and Mike Robinson monitor the testing of the Pioneer MAB Coastal Profiler Moorings (CPMs).  The CPMs are assembled and then tested to verify all systems are operational and data is being sent to the OOI shore servers.  Five CPMs will be deployed at the new Pioneer MAB location in water depths ranging from…

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Getting Wind Ready

Mike McCarthy prepares wind turbines for mounting on the Pioneer MAB surface moorings. Two wind turbines along with four solar panels provide renewable power to the buoy, recharging internal batteries, for the long 6-7 month deployment.

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Coming Together!

Pioneer MAB array is coming together!  Northern and Southern Coastal Surface Moorings, along with seabed multi-function nodes and near-surface instrument frames, being assembled.  The team integrates the science instrumentation with the mechanical/power/telemetry/data systems, then tests the system before loading on the vessel.

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