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AUV Captured


Credit: DT Crist © WHOI.

Credit: DT Crist © WHOI.

Once the first AUV had finished its 20-hour transect, it was time to get her back onboard. The Glider Team directed the AUV to surface close to the ship.  The AUV was visible with a blinking beacon. A team stood by at the starboard side of the deck with long poles with recovery hooks.  When the AUV got close to the ship, the team went “fishing” trying to snag the AUV’a lifting bale so it could be lifted back onboard.  After a few tries, the bale was snagged and the AUV brought safely back onboard and secured. The glider team, however, was not finished for the night.  They stood watch overnight, on alternating shifts, watching the progress of the second AUV as it traversed its route.