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Three Deployments

The Endurance 18 team deployed three moorings today– two inshore, one offshore– off the coast of Oregon.  The weather cooperated. It was a beautiful sunny day for the deployments as evidence in the pictures that follow.

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First Time at Sea

Olana Costa is a UNOLS (University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System) cruise volunteer.  In this short video she describes her experience during her first day at sea aboard the R/V Sikuliaq for the second leg of Endurance 18.

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And So It Begins Again

  First morning of Endurance 18 Leg 2. The team deployed the Oregon Shelf Surface Mooring (CEO2SHSM) off the Oregon coast. More data for better science.

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Mobilization for Leg 2

The R/V Sikuliaq and Endurance 18 team are docked in Newport, Oregon today. The second leg of the OOI Endurance 18 will begin tomorrow off the Oregon coast. Today is for offloading and onloading both gear and passengers. Some scientists left, new scientists joined, and everyone readies for the second half of the adventure.

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What’s Next

Chief Scientist Jonathan Fram explains what was accomplished during leg 1 and plans for leg 2 of Endurance 18.  OSU Undergraduate Athena Abramhansen talks about her experience aboard the R/V Sikuliaq. 

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Leg 1 Complete

Because of the amount of equipment deployed and recovered on the OOI Endurance 18, the cruise is split into two legs. The first leg is off Washington while the second is off Oregon. After completing the Washington leg, the R/V Sikuliaq is heading back to Newport where the science party will offload leg 1 gear…

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Stormy Weather

Not required: sunscreen.  Required: a good set of foulies, dry socks, and breaks for hot chow and beverages.  The Endurance 18 expedition has experienced less-than-ideal weather during this late winter recovery and deployment mission.

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CTD at Dawn

The R/V Sikuliaq has a modern CTD deployment and recovery system requiring only the winch operator and marine technician to deploy and recover.  As part of every OOI mooring cruise, the Endurance 18 team collects CTD data to validate mooring time series and glider measurements.

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Small Boat Ops

Endurance 18 Deck Lead Alex Wick tosses a recovery line to the crew of the ship’s small boat.  The ship’s small boat was sent to shackle the recovery line to the Washington Inshore buoy.

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