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First mooring deployment completed

The Endurance 16 OOI science party and R/V Sikuliaq crew deploy the Washington shelf mooring.  The new mooring will sit side-by-side for a few days with the mooring deployed in September to cross-validate the data.

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Gliders are in the water

  The Endurance 16 team completed its first operation of the Spring 2022 OOI Endurance cruise. Here Linus Stoltz (left) and Jonathan Whitefield (right) prepare a couple of ocean gliders for deployment off Oregon. These gliders are designed to operate for three months at a time and range to about 200 miles offshore during their…

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Getting shipshape

The deck of R/V Sikuliaq on day 2 of loading for OOI Endurance 16 cruise.  Most of the gear the team needs for leg 1 is loaded.  The remainder of the day the team completed testing of the Washington shelf mooring and tied things down on deck and in the lab.

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