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Frolicking Sea State

The sea was rocking and rolling a little bit yesterday causing the “wet lab” where we work aboard the R/V Neil Armstrong to live up to its name. The metal door jam at the bottom with yellow and black tape was installed as a preventive measure to keep the working space dry. Credit: DT Crist © WHOI.

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Remarkable Underwater Robot

Two REMUS 600 autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs) are components of the Coastal Pioneer Array at its new location in the Mid-Atlantic Bight (MAB). Their mission is to collect data through the water column and in between moorings, serving as an additional data source and validating data collected at the stationary moorings. The two AUVs at…

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Historic, Continuing Collaboration

The U.S. National Science Foundation Ocean Observatories Initiative (NSF-OOI) and the Northeast U.S. Shelf (NES) Long-Term Ecological Research (LTER) project have been collaborating since 2017, when the original OOI Coastal Pioneer Array was deployed 75 nautical miles off the coast of Martha’s Vineyard.  Representatives from the NES-LTER project would join the Pioneer Deployment and Recovery expeditions in…

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First of First

This morning, April 3, 2024, marked the beginning of the Coastal Pioneer Array in its new location in the Mid-Atlantic Bight.  The team began prepping for the deployment of the Central Surface Mooring (CNSM-1) at 6 am Eastern.  The mooring was in the water and its instruments functioning shortly after 9 am.  Well done, team!

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CTD Casts While Underway

  During transit to the Mid-Atlantic Bight from Woods Hole, the team conducted CTD sampling to continue the work of The Northeast U.S. Shelf (NES) Long-Term Ecological Research (LTER), which strives to understand and predict how planktonic food webs are changing in the region and possible impacts on higher trophic levels.

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Secure Back Deck

  The R/V Neil Armstrong is fully loaded with ocean observing equipment for the first deployment of the Coastal Pioneer Array at the Mid-Atlantic Bight.  To ensure all equipment stays in place, regardless of conditions, the ship’s back deck has holes drilled into the floor that allows the team to securely fasten and tie-down the…

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Survival Suit Training

Safety training happens as soon as the ship is underway. Here Andy Robinson dons a survival suit and demonstrates how to get air out of it for maximum effectiveness.

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And We’re Off!

IMG_9893 And we are off! The Coastal and Global Scale Nodes team is aboard the R/V Neil Armstrong headed to the Mid-Atlantic Bight for the first deployment of the Pioneer Array there. This is the view from the ship as we head to sea for the next 10 days.

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Loading Complete

Pioneer MAB surface moorings and vehicles were loaded on the RV Neil Armstrong.  The team setup the moorings for deployment, verified instrument operation, and prepared the shipboard labs for cruise operations.  

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Prawler Testing Completed

The CGSN team monitors the testing and burn-in of the Pioneer MAB Prawler profiling vehicle, the Shallow Water Mooring controller and towers.  The testing will confirm that the vehicle is successfully communicating inductively to the controller, and the controller is telemetering the data to shore.    

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