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Leg 3 Fini!

September 4-6, 2023: In spite of weather delays, the objectives of Leg 3 were accomplished. Two of the Leg 3 dives took place at International District, surrounded by hydrothermal vents and chemosynthetic animal communities. The team deployed a RAS/PPS sampler which collects fluid and DNA samples from the vents, specifically a vent known as “Tiny…

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Rockin’ and Rolling but Getting the Job Done

The weather finally cleared up enough over the weekend for mooring recovery operations at OOI’s Global Irminger Sea Array to happen. Here Chris Basque directs the recovery of floats, in spite of the rocky waves and potential wet feet. Video credit: John Lund © WHOI.

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Back at it!

After a brief detour caused by heavy winds and high seas, the R/V Neil Armstrong and the OOI team are back at the array, deploying moorings during brief weather windows.  They are getting the job done, even though conditions have been less-than-ideal.

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High Waves Delay Operations

September 1-4, 2023: Leg 3 once again began with unfavorable weather. Even staying in port one extra day didn’t prevent the ship from leaving Newport in rough seas with blustery winds.  Once onsite, high winds and unpredictable swell made it hard to hold position, and too hazardous for Jason dives or even CTD casts.  Only…

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Taking Shelter from Severe Storm

Conditions forced the R/V Neil Armstrong to take shelter in Prince Christian Sound. Quite a storm is going on at the array.  Peak wave heights have subsided from 15.5 m to about 11.45 m.  The surface buoy is still showing wind speeds 23 m/s (44.7 knots). These conditions make it impossible to deploy the moorings…

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Gliders Begin Operations

The R/V Neil Armstrong and OOI science team start operations at the Irminger Array by deploying the gliders. This allows the gliders to be monitored by the pilots onshore and ensure all systems are operational while the vessel is still onsite performing mooring operations. Chris Basque and Jess Kozik prepare glider 575 for deployment. Three…

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Vessel is on its Way

Pedal to the metal!  The R/V Neil Armstrong departed Reykjavik, Iceland Aug. 28th and is enroute to the Irminger Array off Greenland as fast as possible to start glider and mooring operations ahead of storms that are closing in….

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Successful Second Leg

August 29, 2023:  The R/V Thomas G. Thompson arrived back in Newport to end Leg 2 around 12:30 local time. The team went into high gear to offload and reload the back deck for Leg 3, which heads back out on the 31st.  The previous day was a busy one.  Jason completed a Benthic Experiment Package…

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Underwater Swaps

August 27, 2023: The team arrived at Southern Hydrate Ridge on schedule (~0600). During  dive J2-1536, Jason swapped out junction box MJ01B. A series of instrument swap dives occurred at the same location. The medium-powered junction box (MJ01B) the was turned successfully. Jason then went  back into the water for dive J2-1537 with a digital still…

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Robots to the Rescue

August 26, 2023: Just as the team was about to get underway to Southern Hydrate Ridge, a call came in from the R/V Rachel Carson. One of their AUVs was drifting neutral at ~40 m water depth following a mission and couldn’t be recovered. They had attempted to send a signal to the AUV to release…

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