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Slight Weather Delay

After a one-day weather delay, the RCA team will be departing aboard the R/V Thompson today, August 14th at ~1315 to head out to the Oregon Shelf site at 80 m water depth. It is a short steam of ~ 1 hr. The first Jason dive (J2-1512) will be to test the Jason winch and to clean and…

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Homeward Bound after Successful Mission

The RV Sikuliaq is returning to Seward, Alaska after completing a successful Papa 10 cruise.  The vessel is loaded down with recovered Papa 9 moorings and the recovered University of Washington/Applied Physics Laboratory Waverider system.  The Papa moorings will be shipped back to Woods Hole, Massachusetts for refurbishment and deployment next year.

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Anchor Away!

The final step in a flanking mooring deployment….Jim Dunn cuts away and deploys the 6000 lb mace anchor.

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Pitching In

Everyone pitches in where they’re needed most…Kris Newhall is the Chief Scientist on Papa 10, supports deck operations, and here acts as a mobile desk for James Kuo as he completes final comms checks on a flanking mooring. (Kris is holding laptop).

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Check, Double Check

Mooring and instrument systems are checked multiple times prior to deployment.  Here Dan Bogorff and James Kuo perform one last communications check on the hybrid profiler mooring sphere and controller cage prior to overboarding.

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Pit Crew

  The OOI version of a pit crew.  As the Papa Team brings the hybrid profiler mooring onboard, the profiling vehicle is removed before continuing with the recovery.

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CTD Deployment

Here Carmen Greto, an RV Sikuliaq technician, monitors the deployment of a conductivity, temperature, and depth (CTD) rosette.  The CTD measures salinity, temperature, and pressure at multiple depths along with taking water samples.  These measurements provide a baseline comparison for the newly deployed Papa instruments.

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Alaskan Visitor

An Alaskan local stops by for a visit…a seal dropped by the RV Sikuliaq to give the Papa team some advice on buoy recoveries.

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A Year at Sea

What one year in the ocean looks like…. A flanking mooring 64” sphere before (nice and shiny), and after (with 12 months of marine growth).  Marine growth can inhibit the operation of the mooring and instruments and is one of the reasons we need to recover and refurbish the OOI infrastructure on a regular basis.

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Deployment Ready

The RV Sikuliaq is on site at the Papa array.  Surrounded by the deck and instrument teams, and vessel crew, Jim Dunn gives a briefing on the deployment of the hybrid profiler mooring.  It is always important to make sure everyone understands the operation and their roles, to ensure a successful and safe deployment.

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