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Double Duty

Doing two things at once.  The R/V Neil Armstrong is in a Charleston, SC drydock for inspection and also supporting the mobilization of the At-Sea Test 3 surface and profiler buoys for OOI-CGSN.

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Hull Inspection

The R/V Neil Armstrong in dry-dock for hull inspection prior to departing for the Pioneer MAB test cruise. Shipyard workers, crew, and the science party are able to access the ship for preparations.

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Live ship-shore video: Sept 21

Mark your calendar to tune in to a rare opportunity to see live OOI action from the R/V Thomas G. Thompson: Wednesday September 21 at noon eastern.  Exploring by the Seat of Your Pants will be interviewing Chief Scientist Jonathan Fram as he and his team get ready to depart on the 17th recovery and deployment expedition of the…

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VISIONS’22 blog

You can keep up with daily activities during RCA VISIONS’22 by watching a live stream video and reading daily blogs written by both the science party and student participants.  Be sure to bookmark this site and check back often! This 45-day expedition beginning August 5 promises to be exciting.  This highly complex operation will be…

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Headed to sea soon

The Regional Cabled Array team soon goes to sea on their 43-day cruise on the R/V Thompson using the ROV ROPOS, which will make at least 40 dives in coastal waters, at methane seeps, and on the largest underwater volcano off the Pacific coast – Axial Seamount.

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Transport underway

  It promises to be a full house! The first shipment of infrastructure and equipment to support the 2022 RCA operations and maintenance expedition shipped from Seattle, WA to Newport, OR on 25 July. Trucks will leave daily from Seattle through next week in preparation for mobilization on the R/V Thompson on 5 August.  …

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Surface mooring ready

Deck Ops Lead Chris Basque secures the Irminger Surface Mooring as loading of the R/V Neil Armstrong continues for this year’s trip north to recover moorings and swap OSNAP moorings.  

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Mobilization begins

The surface mooring of the Global Irminger Sea Array was tipped and loaded onto a flatbed truck for its trip down narrow, winding roads to the dock in Woods Hole village. The operation was completed in the morning to avoid tourist traffic.  The mooring and other equipment will begin to be loaded on the R/V…

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Landed in Seattle

And they are back! After 19 days, and successful completion of six mooring deployment/recoveries, the Station Papa 9 team aboard the R/V Sikuliaq arrived in Seattle today. Once through the canal and in port, the team unloaded and began the journey home. Well done, team. 

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More curious visitors

We may be interested in the ocean, but sometimes the ocean is interested in us!  The Station Papa 9 cruise had some inquisitive visitors this year including these sperm whales and seals.

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