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Cross-Shelf CTD Survey and Halloween

The waves and winds are still too intense to safely deploy a mooring today, so we are conducting a cross-shelf CTD survey from Pioneers’ Upstream Offshore (450 meters depth) site to the Upstream Inshore (95 meters depth) site.  This is one of OOI’s objectives and provides a general scientific assessment of the shelf break area.  The CTD Rosette pictured to the left went into the water seven times along a transect. As it was lowered in the water column to the seafloor, it measured conductivity, temperature, and depth, dissolved oxygen, fluorescence, photosynthetically available radiation and turbidity (clarity) of the water.  These measurements help researchers gain a clearer picture of water properties and ecology in this important region.

In honor of Halloween many members of the crew and scientific party came to work in costume.  Here’s a look at some of the creative costumes that still allowed everyone to conduct their work.

Images and Text by Darlene Trew Crist©WHOI.