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Endurance 17:
Bi-Annual Recovery
and Deploy Mission

September 2022 Expedition to Coastal Endurance Array

Equipment becomes fouled as marine life makes it home. Batteries run out. Wind and waves take their toll. That’s why every six months, teams head to OOI arrays to recover and redeploy ocean observing equipment to keep them collecting and sharing data. Here, we will be sharing news about what’s happening aboard the R/V Thomas G. Thompson as a team of scientists and engineers recovers and deploys equipment at the Coastal Endurance Array for the 17th time (March 21 - April 3, 2022). Oregon State University's Jonathan Fram is serving as Chief Scientist. Check back regularly for updates.


The Coastal Endurance Array is located in the northeast Pacific off the coasts of Oregon and Washington and consists of two cross-shelf moored array lines.


The R/V Thomas G. Thompson is a global class research vessel.


Regular posts about life aboard the ship, work accomplished, and encounters with marine life.


Images and video of the expedition.


Meet the Endurance 17 Team.