Fellow Learning the Ropes
STATION PAPA: India-based POGO Fellow Aditi Sharma has been busy aboard the R/V Sikuliaq in spite of the cold weather and stormy seas. It is summer in India with temperatures in the 90 plus degrees Fahrenheit. While she’s adjusting to the temperature, she’s ably “learning the ropes” of shipboard science by participating in many fantail activities.
The Sikuliaq had to seek refuge from a storm directly over the Array site that brought with it rain, high winds, and waves. Here she is dressed for the nasty weather, which allowed her to carry on her shipboard learning.
Here Adit stands near the sea-snake boom that she and OOI Principal Investigator Jim Edson have been deploying. The sea snake is a thermistor that is dragged along the ocean surface by a rugged tube measuring near subsurface sea temperature.
Aditi is working as a part of the team deploying equipment off the back deck. Here she is helping deploy a temperature/salinity sensor off the fantail,