STATION PAPA: POGO Fellow Aditi Sharma is on the return leg to Seward, Alaska, having spent the last 15 days aboard the R/V Sikuliaq learning the ropes of an OOI recovery and deployment expedition. She also has been collecting data using a sea-snake boom that she and OOI Principal Investigator Jim Edson deployed. The sea snake is a thermistor that is dragged along the ocean surface by a rugged tube measuring near subsurface sea temperature.
Aditi runs the winch during the recovery of the University of Washington Waverider mooring. Credit: Jim Edson © WHOI.
Deck Operations Lead Jim Ryder gives Aditi a few pointers as she operates the winch. Credit: Jim Edson © WHOI.
After some training and experience, Aditi handled the winch on her own. Credit: Jim Edson © WHOI.
After being in the water for a year, the mooring components are rife with marine life. Here Aditi takes a closer look at life that has attached to the sphere. Credit: Jim Edson © WHOI.
Aditi helps secure the waverider mooring after its recovery. Credit: Jim Edson © WHOI.