POGO Fellow Aboard

Credit: Jim Edson © WHOI.
STATION PAPA: Aditi Sharma, a PhD candidate at the National Institute of Oceanography India, made her way from Mumbai to Boston last week in preparation for a subsequent flight to Anchorage and drive to Seward, Alaska to board the R/V Sikuliaq. Before heading into the air again, she spent a few days at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI), where she had a chance to see the Ocean Observatories Initiative (OOI) land-based preparations for an upcoming expedition to the Irminger Sea and other WHOI operations.
Aditi was selected from more than 80 applicants for a shipboard training fellowship sponsored by the Partnership for Observation of the Global Ocean (POGO), WHOI, OOI, and the Nippon Foundation. Aboard the Sikuliaq, she will have the opportunity to assist with all fantail activities. Jim Edson, Principal Investigator for OOI’s Program Management Office will also be onboard as her advisor. Edson and she will be working on a project to compare near surface “sea-snake” temperature with an infrared radiometer measuring the sea-surface or skin temperature. This will provide hands-on experience at sea and enhance Aditi’s research experience as she works to complete her PhD when she returns to India.
While onboard, Aditi is writing a blog available here.