Profiler Moorings

Credit: Coastal Endurance Array Team, OSU
The Coastal Endurance Array includes five profiler moorings deployed inshore, at the shelf, and offshore. These moorings take measurements up and down the water column. The inshore and shelf surface piercing profilers allows for the sampling of near surface phenomena as the profiler travels through the water then breaches the surface. Fine resolution sampling of the water column, particularly at the very surface of the water, provides key insights into the exchange of gases, heat, etc. between the atmosphere and the ocean. While on the surface, the profiler transmits data to shore. Like the inshore and shelf surface profilers, the offshore profiler mooring contains a Wire-Following Profiler that houses instruments. The Wire-Following Profiler moves through the water column along the mooring riser, continuously sampling ocean characteristics over a specified depth interval (15 meters below sea surface to 3 m above the bottom).