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AUV Captured

  Once the first AUV had finished its 20-hour transect, it was time to get her back onboard. The Glider Team directed the AUV to surface close to the ship.  The AUV was visible with a blinking beacon. A team stood by at the starboard side of the deck with long poles with recovery hooks. …

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Glider On Its Way

  Glider Lead Diana Wickman and Glider Tech Andy Robison gently lift Glider 379 into the water for its six month deployment within the Pioneer Array in the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. Chief Scientist Al Plueddemann handles the tugger, which helps lift the 123 pound glider into the water.

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Prep Back Home

  Don Peters and Kris Newhall measure the dry weight and verify the stability of the Shallow Water Mooring (SWM) buoy. The SWM design developed by WHOI Principal Engineer Don Peters, when combined with the Prawler profiling vehicle and instruments on the buoy hull, will be able to sample the upper 80% of the water…

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Second Mooring Deployed

The second mooring of the Coastal Pioneer Array MAB, the North Central Surface Mooring,  was successfully deployed today from the R/V Neil Armstrong. The team made it look easy! For those who lack time, we’ve sped it up to give you an idea of what’s entailed.

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Frolicking Sea State

The sea was rocking and rolling a little bit yesterday causing the “wet lab” where we work aboard the R/V Neil Armstrong to live up to its name. The metal door jam at the bottom with yellow and black tape was installed as a preventive measure to keep the working space dry. Credit: DT Crist © WHOI.

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CTD Casts While Underway

  During transit to the Mid-Atlantic Bight from Woods Hole, the team conducted CTD sampling to continue the work of The Northeast U.S. Shelf (NES) Long-Term Ecological Research (LTER), which strives to understand and predict how planktonic food webs are changing in the region and possible impacts on higher trophic levels.

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Survival Suit Training

Safety training happens as soon as the ship is underway. Here Andy Robinson dons a survival suit and demonstrates how to get air out of it for maximum effectiveness.

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And We’re Off!

IMG_9893 And we are off! The Coastal and Global Scale Nodes team is aboard the R/V Neil Armstrong headed to the Mid-Atlantic Bight for the first deployment of the Pioneer Array there. This is the view from the ship as we head to sea for the next 10 days.

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Loading Complete

Pioneer MAB surface moorings and vehicles were loaded on the RV Neil Armstrong.  The team setup the moorings for deployment, verified instrument operation, and prepared the shipboard labs for cruise operations.  

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Prawler Testing Completed

The CGSN team monitors the testing and burn-in of the Pioneer MAB Prawler profiling vehicle, the Shallow Water Mooring controller and towers.  The testing will confirm that the vehicle is successfully communicating inductively to the controller, and the controller is telemetering the data to shore.    

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