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Remotely operated vehicle operations

Weather conditions and time constraints during the Pioneer 17 cruise precluded complete recovery of the Offshore and Upstream Offshore Profiler Moorings. If time and conditions permit, Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV) lead Jared Schwartz will used an ROV to complete the recovery of these two moorings, as well as several anchor recoveries.

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Two-leg expedition

The Pioneer 18 Recovery and Deployment mission will be conducted in two legs. The back deck of the R/V Armstrong will be filled with equipment on both legs as the team recovers ten moorings and deploys eight moorings and three gliders.  Shown here are three coastal surface moorings.

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Cross-Shelf CTD Survey and Halloween

The waves and winds are still too intense to safely deploy a mooring today, so we are conducting a cross-shelf CTD survey from Pioneers’ Upstream Offshore (450 meters depth) site to the Upstream Inshore (95 meters depth) site.  This is one of OOI’s objectives and provides a general scientific assessment of the shelf break area. …

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