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Putting it all together

From left to right Stuart Pearce, Steve Lambert, and Kristin Politano connect the electrical-mechanical (EM) chain at the base of the Washington shelf buoy.  Before deployment, the mooring is connected from top to bottom, and instruments are turned on and tested.

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Getting shipshape

The deck of R/V Sikuliaq on day 2 of loading for OOI Endurance 16 cruise.  Most of the gear the team needs for leg 1 is loaded.  The remainder of the day the team completed testing of the Washington shelf mooring and tied things down on deck and in the lab.

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Sediment trap mooring

This image shows nearly all the equipment that comprises a typical sediment trap mooring.  Syntactic buoys (yellow balls on left and ready for deployment), railroad wheel anchors (at stern), two sediment traps (yellow cylinders on right), mooring wire already spooled on winch.  Missing from the photo are the acoustic releases, which can be seen in…

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Friendly float

This float is part of the sediment trap deployment.  Someone added a smiley face to let sealife know that we mean no harm.

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Sediment Trap

  This is a McLane Mark VII 13 cup Sediment Trap, which is used to collect a time-series of material falling through the water column.  The stack of three railroad wheels (on right) are the anchor.  

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Acoustic Releases

Two Teledyne/Benthos R12K Acoustic Releases are connected in tandem as they await deployment.  The Acoustic Releases are deployed as part of the anchor assembly for the sediment trap mooring.  The R12K releases can be deployed in up to 12,000 meters of water for up to four years on a standard battery pack.

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