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Whale sightings

NOAA Research Wildlife Biologist Peter Duley joined us again for the Irminger-9 cruise, along with the “Big Eyes” binoculars. You can read about Pete’s previous OOI adventures here and here. Pete has joined the Irminger 9 cruise specifically to look for North Atlantic right whales in the Irminger Sea. While watching for right whales, he…

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Below the surface

Three of the moorings the Irminger 9 team is deploying in the Irminger Sea are Subsurface Moorings, which means that the moorings are entirely underwater – there is no buoy on the surface. There are, however, multiple components that are buoyant to keep the mooring upright in the water column. There is a top sphere…

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Pressure effects

Although the team on the Irminger Sea 9 cruise is working hard every day – including weekends and holidays – they do try to throw in a little fun from time to time.  A favorite past time on oceanographic cruises is decorating styrofoam cups and “shrinking” them by sending them into the deep ocean.  On…

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First mooring deployed

After eight days transiting from Woods Hole to the Irminger Sea, the team is happy to be there and ready to get to work. The Surface Mooring was the first mooring deployed. It consists of a large surface buoy with meteorological instrumentation, satellite telemetry, and wind turbines and solar panels to generate power, and instrumentation…

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Link to OSNAP blog

A team from OSNAP (Overturning in the Subpolar North Atlantic Program) is also onboard the Armstrong, working alongside OOI colleagues. The OSNAP team is conducting sampling and checking OSNAP moorings in the region. In her first blog post, OSNAP researcher Heather Furey provides an overview of their mission over the next month and explains how…

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Survival suits

All UNOLS (University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System) ships have safety briefings and drills with the science party to ensure that everyone is prepared for emergencies at sea.  This includes practicing donning immersion suits in the event that the team would have to abandon ship in the cold north Atlantic waters.  One should be able to get…

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